Noch ein paar witzige Zitate aus der Folge:
House: So what was the plan? I’d feel so humbled by missing a case, that I’d re-evaluate my entire life, question the nature of truth and goodness, and become Cameron?
Dr. Wilson: Something like that.
Dr. Chase: Hey, Foreman! Your mama’s so fat, when her beeper goes off, everyone thinks she’s backing up!
Dr. Cuddy: What’s going on with the leg?
House: First tell me what’s going on with the boobs.
Dr. Cuddy: If you’re feeling pain…
House: They’re firmer.
Dr. Cuddy: It’s called an underwire. I want to get a PET scan of your brain.
House: I think it’s hormones.
Dr. Cuddy: As long as there’s no increased activity in the thalamus…
House: Looks to me like those puppies are going into the dairy business.
Dr. Cuddy: …then the pain could be good.