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21. September 2006 um 20:22 Uhr #240217
Randy Taylor
Mitgliedsehr geile und spannende folge. War zwar dann doch recht schnell klar, dass dieser Cameron eine Einbildung von Ryan war, aber so ganz klar war der Fall bis zum Ende trotzdem nicht.
Man hat auch mal etwas über Gibbs Vergangenheit als Marine erfahren, war ja recht lustig, wie er Ryan immer mit „Sir“ angesprochen hat.
Und der Colonel wurde auch erstklassig von Terry O’Quinn gespielt.Die Beste Szene war, als Gibbs die Bombe in der Hütte entdeckt und alle nach draußen sprinten und die Bombe einfach nicht in die Luft fliegt.
Und dann zweifeln auch noch alle daran, ob Gibbs überhaupt eine Bombe gesehen hatFornell: (to Gibbs) Much as I’d like to, I’m not going to let him shoot you Gibbs.
Ducky: I don’t suppose any of you thought to take a photo before you ran screaming from the cabin.
Tony: Hey. That was not screaming. That was yelling. Loudly.Gibbs: Tobias. You lied to me.
Fornell: Don’t take it personally. I’d lie to my own mother if I thought it would help with a case.Tony: Today, Abbs!
Abby: That’s very Gibbs of you, Tony.
Tony: Thanks, I’ve been practicing.FBI Agent: I feel sorry for your boss.
Kate: Why’s that?
FBI Agent: You obvious don’t know Fornell very well.
Kate: We’ve worked with him before.
Tony: We just don’t particularly like him.
FBI Agent: So then you do know him.Tony: Where the hell are you, Fornell’s here with a warrant for your arrest.
Gibbs: Well, it’s a good thing I’m not there, then.
Tony: This is serious, he thinks you’re with Colonel Ryan.
Gibbs: Well, he’s smarter than he looks.Kate: Do all Marines build boats?
Tony: Just the ones that have been married a few times.
Kate: Why’s that?
Tony: The other ones can afford to buy one.FBI Agent: You’re under arrest
Gibbs: For what?
FBI Agent: Pissing off the F.B.I.
Gibbs: Get used to it.Tony: Are you sure it was a bomb, Gibbs?
Gibbs: Yes, DiNozzo! For the last time, yes, I’m sure it was a bomb.
Tony: If you say so. EOD is sure taking their sweet time getting here.
Ducky: Sorry we’re late. Gerald got us lost several times.
Gerald: Me? You had the map.
Gibbs: We have our own problems here, Ducky.
Ducky: Yeah, I can see that. The FBI take over our crime scene again?
Kate: Gibbs thought he saw a bomb.
Gibbs: What do you mean „thought“?
Kate: Do I really have to say it?
Gibbs: Say what?
Ducky: Yes, Kate. Say what?
Kate: You need glasses, Gibbs. Are you happy?
(Bomb explodes)
Gibbs: I’m sorry. I didn’t quite catch that last part. -
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