Auch eine seht gute Folge. Die Show zur Industriellen Revolution war ja echt der Hammer. Mit den ganzen Werbejingles von Charlie. Da hab ich mich echt nicht mehr eingekriegt
Und Alan und Judith lassen sich nun endgültig scheiden.
Jake: How come your not helping mom and dad with the show?
Charlie: Well, how can I put this? Your Unclie Charlie is a professional musician, and your mom and dad….
Jake: Suck?
Charlie: Good a word as any.
Charlie: I understand you teachers are sadly underpaied.
Miss Tuttle: That’s very true.
Charlie: Well, I’d like to do my part. Can I buy you dinner?
Charlie: You know, Learner and Lowe. My Fair Lady? Camelot? Aren’t there any gay kids here?
Charlie: So what’s the deal with your teacher?
Jake: Ms. Tuttle? She’s very strict.
Charlie: That could work.