7×17 – Das Kleid aller Kleider | The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress

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  • #249107

    Ross und Joey sind in der Folge ja sowas von geil. Wie sie sich gegenseitig bei dem Date fertig machen, aber einander natürlich nicht kennen =) =)

    Die letzte Szene war auch klasse, als die Jungs alle eine Gesichtsmaske tragen und Monica dann in die Wohnung kommt =) =)

    Ross: So Joey, um, you look familiar. Are uh, are you on TV or something?
    Kristen: Well, Joey doesn’t like to talk about it but, he’s one of the stars of Days of Our Lives.
    Ross: That’s right! That’s right, don’t you play a woman?
    Joey: A woman in a man’s body.
    Ross: Much better.
    Joey: So y’know Ross it’s funny ‘cause, you look familiar to me too. Have you ever been married?
    Ross: Well yes. Yes, I have. In fact umm, just the other day Kristen and I were talking about how I’ve been married and how I have a son.
    Kristen: Yeah, little Eric.
    Ross: That’s right! Wait. No, Ben.
    Joey: So you’ve just married the one time then?
    Ross: Well, umm…
    Kristen: You’ve been married twice?
    Ross: Yes…and another time after that. Boy, I’m getting hungry! Hey Joey, have you ever been so hungry on a date that when the girl goes to the bathroom, you eat some of her food?
    Kristen: You said the waiter ate my crab cake.
    Joey: Yeah… So uh, Ross, well now why did that first marriage breakup, hmm? Was it because the woman was straight or because she was a lesbian?
    Kristen: Do you two know each other?
    Joey and Ross: No.
    Joey: No. It just seems like Ross is the kind of a guy that would marry a woman on the verge of being a lesbian and then push her over the edge.
    Ross: Wait a minute! Were you on a poster for gonorrhea?
    Joey: Have you ever slept in the same bed as a monkey!?
    Ross: Hey, you leave Marcel out of this!
    Joey: Fine! Have you ever got stuck in a pair of your own leather pants!?
    Ross: Hey-hey have you ever locked yourself in a TV cabinet, V.D. boy!?
    Joey: Monkey lover!
    (They both notice that Kristen had left)
    Joey: When do you think we lost her?
    Ross: Probably around gonorrhea.

    (Joey had just crashed Ross’s date with Kristen)
    Kristen: Ross, this is Joey. Joey, Ross.
    Joey: Hi!
    Ross: Hi, it’s nice to meet you. Yeah, I used to have a friend named Joey…I don’t anymore.

    Maitre’d: Geller, party of two.
    Ross: (to Joey) You hungry?
    Joey: Does a bear shit in the woods?

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