1×24 – Spüren Sie meinen Finger? | Can You Feel My Finger?

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  • #253825
    Randy Taylor
    Original von Westheim
    Ich weiß jetzt gar nicht – ist Charlie wirklich kastriert worden, oder nicht?

    Nein! #vertrag#

    Das Ende fand ich richtig geil, als Rose wie auf Bestellung reinkommt, als Charlie davon spricht, dass er vielleicht doch mal jemanden schwängert =) =)
    Und natürlich Alan, der Charlie’s Sperma aus dem fahrenden Auto wirft, weil er angst vor einer Polizeikontrolle hat =) =)

    Charlie: (refering to one of the girls he brought home) She’s not exactly a rocket scientist.
    Alan: As opposed to the Nobel prize winners you usually bring home.

    Jake: (picking up the phone) Hello..what? I can’t understand you.
    Alan:Who is it?
    Jake: I don’t know some woman crying
    Alan: (into the phone) Hold on. (Screams) Charlie!
    Charlie: What?
    Alan: Phone for you.
    Charlie: Who is it?
    Alan: A hysterical woman.
    Charlie: Are you insane I don’t take calls from hysterical women.
    Alan: (into the phone) Here he is.

    Charlie: Well, Jake, your uncle Charlie is getting a vasectomy.
    Jake: Oh. – What’s wrong with the car you have now?

    Alan: So… your not gonna have the vasectomy?
    Charlie: Hey, I tried my best but it just wasn’t meant to be.
    Alan: What do you mean?
    Charlie: You think it was a coincidence that my urologist was having a baby at the very moment I was about to get snipped? – I mean I’m not a particularly religious guy, but clearly, a power much greater then myself wants me to knock somebody up some day.
    Rose:(comes into the room) You called?

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