Original von Westheim
Ich weiß jetzt gar nicht – ist Charlie wirklich kastriert worden, oder nicht?
Nein! #vertrag#
Das Ende fand ich richtig geil, als Rose wie auf Bestellung reinkommt, als Charlie davon spricht, dass er vielleicht doch mal jemanden schwängert
Und natürlich Alan, der Charlie’s Sperma aus dem fahrenden Auto wirft, weil er angst vor einer Polizeikontrolle hat
Charlie: (refering to one of the girls he brought home) She’s not exactly a rocket scientist.
Alan: As opposed to the Nobel prize winners you usually bring home.
Jake: (picking up the phone) Hello..what? I can’t understand you.
Alan:Who is it?
Jake: I don’t know some woman crying
Alan: (into the phone) Hold on. (Screams) Charlie!
Charlie: What?
Alan: Phone for you.
Charlie: Who is it?
Alan: A hysterical woman.
Charlie: Are you insane I don’t take calls from hysterical women.
Alan: (into the phone) Here he is.
Charlie: Well, Jake, your uncle Charlie is getting a vasectomy.
Jake: Oh. – What’s wrong with the car you have now?
Alan: So… your not gonna have the vasectomy?
Charlie: Hey, I tried my best but it just wasn’t meant to be.
Alan: What do you mean?
Charlie: You think it was a coincidence that my urologist was having a baby at the very moment I was about to get snipped? – I mean I’m not a particularly religious guy, but clearly, a power much greater then myself wants me to knock somebody up some day.
Rose:(comes into the room) You called?