Noch ein paar Quotes zur Folge:
Tim: You want me to go with you boss?
Gibbs: No, Tony’s out, stay with Abby.
Abby: (To Tim, about the ’no leaving the building‘ order) For nobody leaving the building, there are alot of people leaving the building!
Gibbs: What is your gut telling you?
Tony: It wants a pizza!
Fornell: You smell like a wet dog!
Gibbs: Well there was one here underneath the bench when I got here… I put him in the gazebo.
Fornell: Why aren’t you in the gazebo?
Gibbs: Dog smells like hell!
Fornell : So why didn’t you leave him under… never mind.
Ziva: Espresso. Take it. It’s not a bribe.
Tony: How long have you known I was…
Ziva: Following me? Since I left the Navy yard.
Tony: I don’t think so.
Ziva: Blue Sedan, you laid behind a white station wagon for a while, then a telephone van. You lost me at the traffic circle…
Tony: Okay, okay. You knew.
Ziva: (offering coffee again) Take it. It’s chilly out here. You shouldn’t feel bad. I was trained by the best.
Tony: You know that’s what I like about Mossad.
Ziva: Our training?
Tony: Your modesty.
Ziva: (as Tony throws away the pizza box) Um… there’s a slice in there. (he offers it to Ziva and she takes it) Todah.
Tony: Prego.
Ziva: I lost my little sister Tali, in a Hamas suicide bombing. She was sixteen and the best of us. Tali had compassion.
Tony: I’m sorry.
Ziva: After Tali’s death, I was like Gibbs. All I wanted was revenge.
Tony: Is that why you joined Mossad?
Ziva: (shaking her head) I was Mossad long before Tali’s death. Old…
Tony: Family tradition.
Ziva: Israeli sense of duty.
Tony: But come on. Who recruited you? Father? uncle? brother? boyfriend?
Ziva: Aunt, sister, lesbian lover.
Tony: You’re good. You almost got me off the question. Almost.
Ziva: I volunteered. Laila tov.
Tony: Buena notte.