Eine geniale Folge.
Jake ist ein typischer Rotzbengel und surgt für ordentlich Ärger mit den Möven.
Alan kapiert echt nicht, wenn Schluss ist und lässt sich mit Freude weiter ausbeuten.
Das mit der X Box am Schluss ist genial, der beste Gag der Folge.
Alan:“Charlie I need you to be my eyey and ears.“
Charlie:“Ok, but I need you to be my liver and prostate.“
Charlie(when he tries to explain Jake, why there’s a bra in the laundry):
„Jake, sometimes, when you have a casual sexual relationship…“
Alan(when he discovers, that the socks are wet):“So this is toilet water?“
Charlie:“At least.“
Charlie:“Your Wife throw you out.“
Alan:“That doesn’t mean, she doesn’t need me.“
Charlie:“Yes, it kind of does.“
Alan gets hit by the sprinkler again and again.
Charlie:“Do you have any kind of department of animal control or bird abatement? I have a seagull problem“
„Who ist this?“ „Phillis Seagull?!“
„I need some woth a net or something to come over.“
„Who is this?“ „Annette?!“
„Here me, I have a problem with seagulls.“
„No, no, no, no, no.“
„Hello Phillis, Good Bye Phillis.“
Alan:“I’m really sorry about the birds, but I suppose they leave, as soon as the get hungry.“
Charlie:“That’s what I thought about you.“
Alan:“You know if they love this bait so much, why would they even wait…“
Judith:“Alan I kissed you out of fear.“
Alan:“Hey, it still counts.“
Charlie:“I’m buying you all that stuff (the X Box) but as a Punishment for letting the seagulls in, I’m not letting you play with it for a month.“