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1. Juni 2007 um 16:42 Uhr #266154dayzdMitglied
Alan and Denny’s political differences again come into play when they defend an innocent man who was held at Guantanamo Bay for 2 years.
Meanwhile, upset at the lack of humanity at his private practice, Jerry begs Shirley to give him back his old job, despite having held a knife to her throat the year before.
Quelle: http://www.tv.com
11. Juli 2009 um 21:28 Uhr #372285underseriousattackMitgliedHervorragende Folge!#mh#
Jerry ist mal wieder dabeiJerry: Shirley! First. I bear no ill will towards you for totally screwing me out of partner.
Schmidt: Thank you. And no hard feelings here for you trying to slit my throat.
Jerry will wieder bei C,P&S arbeiten und nachdem Schmidt die Chance eingeräumt hat „singt“ Jerry den Vorspann mit! Genial!
Jerry bekommt letztendlich nen OK und wird wohl nun im Hauptcast sein!Woah, der Fall mit dem britischen Guantanamo Ex-Häftling war superb! Dennys Meinung dazu ist wirklich krass#8o#:p (was die Serie sich so erlaubt ist schon erstaunlich)
Denny: I don’t know what tribe you’re from, sport, but this is America. Human rights are so yesterday here. Get with the program!
Denny: I have nothing against Guantanamo by the Bay. I happen to like resorts. […]In no other country can you challenge the government like you can in the US of A. And that’s what freedom is all about. The right to express unpopular opinions. Except if you have A-rab blood. Then it’s straight to Cuba you go.
Was Beziehungen angeht, so steht Denny auch stets zu Diensten :pDenny: She’s not good for you.
Alan: Why not?
Denny: She just isn’t. A woman knows these things, trust me.
Alan: Denny, you’re not a woman.
Denny: Whatever.Alan hat bereits die ersten Probleme, da er sich für diese Hose-runter-Richterin interessiert. Gloria findet das alles andere als toll!:p
Alans Schlussplädoyer in dieser Folge gehört wohl mit zu den Besten..Alan: Calling the prisoners enemy combatants instead of prisoners so we can end run the Geneva Convention, and torture them? Brilliant! Basing the camp in Cuba so the Constitution won’t really get in our way? Brilliant![…]
Imagine being able to execute somebody on triple hearsay, or on totally coersed confession. Brilliant![…]
We’re torturing people. We’re holding them indefinitely. Many with no evidence. Giving them no trials. No lawyers. It’s laughable. And then when they finally kill themselves we call it “manipulative, selfinjurious behavior” an act of “asymmetric warfare” waged against us. -
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