Herrliche Folge. Vorallem die Gespräche zwischen Bones und Booth waren mal wieder allererste Sahne. Ich hab mich weggeschmissen
Die Fahrt nach LA in den genialen Mustang war ja auch super:
Bones: You know I like to drive sometimes.
Booth: Look our contact out her is Special Agent Trisha Finn.
Bones: I’m an excellent driver.
Booth: Okay Rainman.
Bones: I don’t know what that means.
Booth: I’m always gonna drive. You know that, right? Me behind the wheel you over there on the grandma side.
Bones: I’m not above telling Deputy Director Cullen what kind of car you rented.
Und schon sitzt sie am Steuer
Oder als Booth sich die Prostituierte bestellt. Natürlich rein dienstlich, aber das weiß Bones ja nicht
Booth: (in phone) Hey, Miss. Bardu. Hi Special Agent Booth. I’ve r
econsidered your offer. I was wondering if I could have one of your ladies visit me today?
Bones: You’re ordering a prostitute from my cell phone?
Booth: I was wondering if Rachel ever took part in any of those two on one specials.
Booth: That’s great. Just send me whoever she worked with the most.
Bones: You’re ordering a hooker to my hotel?
Booth: (to Bones) ‘Cause you have much looser daily allowances then I do.
Bones: Well have fun.