Boa, was für eine geile Folge. Alan verlässt Charlies Haus und geht zurück in sein überflutetes Haus, nur damit er Judith eins auswischen kann

Charlie ist halt einfach ein Volltrottel 
Dann hat er vor den Augen von Judith ein Date mit einer hübschen Dame 
Judiths Reaktion war so geil, als Alan das Haus verlassen hatte. Und Charlies Klavierspiel dazu

Und dann taucht auch noch die polnische Verwandtschaft von Charlies Schnecke auf

(Charlie rings the doorbell, Alan opens the door)
Charlie: I told you so!
Alan: Great, you just come here to make fun of me.
Charlie: I told you so!
(Alan tries to close the door)
Charlie: Wait, wait! Wait, Wait! Did I already mention, „I told you so?!“
Alan: I told [Judith] she could stay here for a couple of days.
Charlie: Oh, oh, oh, oh! When you said that, did you have like a sarcastic chuckle in your voice like, „Yeah right, Judith, you can stay here?“
Alan: And what are you afraid of?
Charlie: Let’s see: large birds, small bugs, unplanned pregnancy, and your ex-wife living in my house.
Alan: What am I supposed to do, put her in a hotel?
Charlie: Yeah: put her in a hotel, put her in a space capsule, put her in a catapult and see how far she flies.
Charlie: There are no such things as small frightened women. That’s a myth, perpetrated by the large angry women who secretly run the world!