3×05 – Der König der Klos | A Dump of My Own

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    Die Folge ist ja sowas von geil. Wie Al sich immer freut, wenn er seine „Fergie“ sieht =) =)
    Und natürlich das Ende, als er aufs Klo geht und der Brunnen geht aus =) =)

    Steve: Al, I don’t see any spot marked off for a sink.
    Al: Hey, this is a man’s bathroom. You know, when you share a bathroom with a woman, or in my case Peggy, you got nylons hanging on the curtain rod, you got Nair where the toothpaste should be, a bottle of vinegar lying around. I mean, what do they do in there, make a salad? In my bathroom there’s only gonna be men’s things: Rolaids, Milk of Magnesia, Tums, a spot for my razor.
    Steve: Why have a razor if you don’t have a sink?
    Al: Oh, it’s not for shaving, Steve. It’s for peace of mind.

    Al: We don’t need the lottery. We have each other.
    Peggy: I want the lottery.

    Kelly: Eat Dad’s socks.
    Bud: Sniff his shoes.

    Peg: I am telling you, Al loves that toilet more than he does me.
    Marcy: Peggy, don’t be ridiculous.
    Al: Hi Peg. (Al walks to the toilet, hugs it and gives it a kiss) Daddy loves you.

    Peg: What does that toilet have that I don’t?
    Al: A job.

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