Cappie and Rusty feel the pressure to impress KT alum Lasker Parkes (Johnathan Silverman), and his son, Peter, who is pledging the fraternity, as they plan their Homecoming party – which Cappie dubs “Everest.” Will the “Everest” party outdo the Vesuvius party? Find out in an all-new episode of “Greek” premiering Monday, January 31 (9:00-10:00PM ET/PT) on ABC Family. “Home Coming and Going” is directed by Patrick Norris and written by Adam Milch.
Meanwhile, Casey tries to convince Ashleigh to find a job and move out, but Ashleigh keeps dragging her feet, which leads to an uncharacteristically tense fight between the two best friends. Their clash causes Casey to fall prey to Rebecca’s plan to distract her so that Rebecca can take the rest of the ZBZ’s to the forbidden KT party.
In spite of the fact that KT pledge Peter has asked Cappie to be his Big Brother, Rusty wants to be his Big Brother, so Rusty attempts to impress him by doing what Peter’s father, Lasker, could not — steal the CRU Homecoming rivals’ mascot. It turns out Dale has the same idea, only for Omega Chi instead.