Season 2 Spoiler

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    the second season will see a major shakeup in the cast, and that out of the fourteen regular cast members, only the major players are set to return. The show is also set to relocate from the fictional town of Mapleton, New York to an as yet unknown new setting.
    that includes the all the Garveys – Mapleton’s maybe-crazy sheriff Kevin Garvey (Justin Theroux), and his estranged wife (Amy Brenneman) and children Jill (Margaret Qually) and Tom (Chris Zylka). Also coming back are Nora Durst (Carrie Coon) and her brother/local ex-reverend Matt Jameson (Christopher Eccleson). Liv Tyler and Ann Dowd, two key members of the Guilty Remnant, are also likely cast members for season two.

    The Leftovers: Season 2 Facing Major Cast Changes

    Solange der Hauptcast weiter dabei ist okay, aber dass man die ganze Sache raus aus Mapleton verlagert…. WTF?! @-)


    the second season will move production to Austin, Texas, shifting the onscreen setting from the fictional Mapleton, NY to an unspecified Texas city.

    The Leftovers Season 2 Moving to Texas with Reworked Cast



    Although some people think the second season for The Wire is its least successful, I was just completely and totally captivated by the audacity and boldness of just shifting the storytelling down to the docks, and taking the characters who I had become deeply enamored of and sidelining them in favor of entirely new characters. In my mind, it paid off huge because it set up the paradigm for what the third season and the fourth season of The Wire could be, not to mention the fifth season. So, I’ve always felt that the next logical season of The Leftovers would just be the continuing adventures of these people in this place. Let’s not do that. Let’s try something different.

    We’ve exhausted all the story from Tom Perrotta’s book. It was a novel, it wasn’t meant to be a continuing series. Tom remains very involved in the storytelling moving forward but what could we do that would shake things up a bit and pitch a bit of curve ball but at the same time, not reinvent the wheel. We’re still making a show about the same exact thing thematically, we still want it to feel the same way that the first season felt, but I do feel like the catalyst for coming back was “let’s try something bold!” And if it doesn’t work, well, it will be a spectacular failure as opposed to a humdrum one.

    The Leftovers Season 2: Damon Lindelof Teases New Direction, The Wire’s Influece | Collider

    Interessanter erster Absatz :-? Hoffentlich wird das genauso genial wie das bei The Wire letztendlich mit Season 2 war.


    Netter kleiner Twist am Ende des Teasers.


    Ahhhh, dieses Piano-Thema wieder am Ende. Einfach sooooo gut ##um##

    Roland Deschain

    @Noone 636147 wrote:

    Ahhhh, dieses Piano-Thema wieder am Ende. Einfach sooooo gut ##um##

    Jaaa ##um##

    So muss ein Teaser auch aussehen, hat mich extrem angefixt. :-)

    Roland Deschain

    Okay, liest sich sehr gut. Hatte echt die große Befürchtung, dass man die Charaktere von S1 mehr oder weniger außen vor lassen würde und mit S2 was komplett anderes aufzieht, aber die sind da zum Glück stark mit eingebunden. Freu mich drauf #hallo#

    Roland Deschain

    Geiler Trailer! #mh#

    Was aber auch viel dem großartiges Song zu verdanken ist #vertrag#


    Ich bin total gespannt drauf :-) Am Anfang des Trailers ziemlich verstörend, dass alle mehr oder weniger so fröhlich sind (also so wie man sie in S1 nie gesehen hat), aber dann scheint ja doch wieder ordentlich Tristesse reinzukommen.

    Roland Deschain

    Eine der Serien, auf die ich mich diese Season tatsächlich freue. Trailer hilft da natürlich ungemein.


    Das Intro zur zweiten Staffel:

    WTF?! Sehr nette Idee zwar mit den Verschwundenen in jeder Szene, aber… WTF?!?! Das ist so verstörend anders und vor allem … fröhlich #hm#

    Ich vermisse das geniale stimmungsvolle S1-Intro jetzt schon #sad#

    Roland Deschain

    Dafuq ist das denn? /:) Also mir gefällt das überhaupt nicht. #hm#

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