auch eine sehr coole folge. Genial war ja Elliott, die echt in jedes Fettnäpfchen getretten ist, dass sich vor ihr aufgetan hat

Und JD wollte sich mit Cox anfreunden, dass ging ja mal ordentlich schief :p
Turk und Carla haben ihr erstes Date, fängt ja schon früh an mit den Beiden 
Und Rowdy hat seinen ersten Auftritt #mh#, so geil, wie sich Elliott vor ihm immer erschreckt 
J.D.: I think it’s healthy hanging out with a girl without the ultimate goal being sex. You know?
Turk: I’m not following you.
Cox: Do you know what you’ve just done? You just lost all lap-dog privileges.
JD: Excuse me?
Cox: No more walkies, no more treats, no more following me around the hospital.
JD: I’m not your lap-dog.
Cox: Hey you, back there, what do we do with lap-dogs who can’t behave in the house?
Doug: Make them stay outside?
Cox: That’s right. You now have five seconds to get out of this room, otherwise I’m gonna start whacking you on the nose with this!
Dr. Cox: Would you stay? And watch the game with me? Maybe have a slice of pizza?
J.D.: Of course I will.
Dr. Cox: I can braid your hair. I know the couch isn’t very deep, but we could move the back cushion and spoon. (addressing his friends who have just walked in the door) Hey you guys, what do you say? Beer and chips in the back. (turning back to J.D.) Just ignore them, and would you tell me the answer to this question; do you want to be the big spoon or the little spoon?
J.D.: When you really lock in with a mentor, you start to understand the meaning behind their words.
Dr. Cox: You do whatever you want.
J.D.: Means: „Great idea!“
Dr. Cox: I’m, I’m just happy you haven’t messed up yet today.
J.D.: Means: „You’re really coming along as a doctor.“
Dr. Cox: Don’t. Ever. Touch me.
J.D.: Means: „Don’t ever touch him“.