Charlie ist ja echt sowas von Paranoid , wie er die ganze Zeit glaubt, dass Wendy eine längere Beziehung anstrebt. Wobei er ja mit Rose dann recht hatte
Alan hat Scrabble-Augen, was eine Gabe und ein Fluch ist
Charlie: Lets see, one Russian blonde, one Scottish brunet, and a full-bodied red head from Napa Valley…Charlie’s Angels.
Charlie: Look Jake, I’m sorry about the Wendy thing, but there’s nothing I can do about it. And I want us to be buddies again. I don’t want you to hate me anymore.
Jake: I don’t hate you.
Charlie: Good.
Jake: I’m just very disappointed in you.
Charlie: Hey, I get enough of that crap from my mother.
Rose:…We’re both like two lonely socks that want desperately to keep someone’s feet warm, but we don’t match up with any other socks. So all we can hope for is to be a dust mitten or a hand puppet.