2×14 – Kein Truthahnhals für Oma | Those Big Pink Things with Coconut

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  • #304454
    Randy Taylor

    Ah, was für eine geile Folge und die Familie ist echt der Hammer, wobei Evelyn definitiv den Vogel abschießt =) =)

    Auch geil, wie Charlie vor dem Fernsehr sitzt und der Kommentator über Arbeitsbienen spricht, während Alan im Hintergrund ein Sandwich für Evelyn macht =) =)

    Evelyn: (when Jake gets an A on a test) How many kids in your class got an A?
    Jake: Almost everybody. Why?
    Evelyn: I’m just curious as to how hard the test actually was.
    Alan: Doesn’t matter, Mom. It’s still an A.
    Evelyn: And an A is very nice. I just don’t see why we should make such a big fuss over it if they’re handing them out like rubella vaccinations!

    Alan: You earned that A.
    Jake: Wendy Chow got an A+.
    Evelyn: There, you hear that? Wendy Chow got an A plus.
    Alan: Wendy Chow is a freak of nature! She cloned a goldfish for the science fair! We can’t compare Jake to her.
    Evelyn: Well, who should we compare him to, then: the paste eaters and the unibrows?

    Charlie: (when Judith drops Jake off for the weekend) Hey, buddy!
    Jake: Hey, Uncle Charlie.
    Charlie: Ready for a fun weekend?
    Judith: He’s not going to have a fun weekend, Charlie. He’s going to study for a history test on Monday.
    Charlie: Hmm. Well, if believing that gets you back into your car, then I’ll play along.

    Judy: Where’s Alan?
    Charlie: He’s not here.
    Judy: Really? I told him I was coming.
    Charlie: That’s probably why he’s not here.

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