Ah, was für eine geile Folge und die Familie ist echt der Hammer, wobei Evelyn definitiv den Vogel abschießt

Auch geil, wie Charlie vor dem Fernsehr sitzt und der Kommentator über Arbeitsbienen spricht, während Alan im Hintergrund ein Sandwich für Evelyn macht

Evelyn: (when Jake gets an A on a test) How many kids in your class got an A?
Jake: Almost everybody. Why?
Evelyn: I’m just curious as to how hard the test actually was.
Alan: Doesn’t matter, Mom. It’s still an A.
Evelyn: And an A is very nice. I just don’t see why we should make such a big fuss over it if they’re handing them out like rubella vaccinations!
Alan: You earned that A.
Jake: Wendy Chow got an A+.
Evelyn: There, you hear that? Wendy Chow got an A plus.
Alan: Wendy Chow is a freak of nature! She cloned a goldfish for the science fair! We can’t compare Jake to her.
Evelyn: Well, who should we compare him to, then: the paste eaters and the unibrows?
Charlie: (when Judith drops Jake off for the weekend) Hey, buddy!
Jake: Hey, Uncle Charlie.
Charlie: Ready for a fun weekend?
Judith: He’s not going to have a fun weekend, Charlie. He’s going to study for a history test on Monday.
Charlie: Hmm. Well, if believing that gets you back into your car, then I’ll play along.
Judy: Where’s Alan?
Charlie: He’s not here.
Judy: Really? I told him I was coming.
Charlie: That’s probably why he’s not here.