Man, was für eine geile Folge.
Alleine schon die Szenen in Evelyns Haus mit Jake und ihr waren ja einfach nur göttlich.
Und Jake hat Evelyn wirklich gebrochen, was Alan und Charlie nie geschafft haben

Original von Westheim
Aber was ist denn jetzt Squab genau?
In culinary terminology, squab is the meat from a young domestic pigeon. Squab for the table are roughly a month old; they have reached adult size but have not yet flown.[1] Usually considered a delicacy, squab is tender, moist and richer in taste than many commonly-consumed poultry meats, but does not provide much meat.
Evelyn: Good Lord, are you picking your nose?!?
Jake: I had to. There was stuff in it.
Evelyn: And just where were you planning to put it?
Jake: I didn’t really have a plan.
Jake: (angry because he has to spend the night with Evelyn) What did I ever do to you?
Alan: It’s not a punishment.
Jake: It’s not a prize. I’m calling Mom!
Charlie: No man has ever gotten into a woman’s pants chit-chatting about skin cancer.
Alan: You can’t possibly know that.
Evelyn: (to Alan) Are you telling me you need to get your ex-wife’s approval to let your own son spend time with your own mother?
Charlie: He had a really, really bad lawyer.
(after Jake’s time with their mother)
Charlie: Do you realize that he did in one night, what we could never do in a lifetime?
Alan: He broke her.
Charlie: He spit her out and chewed her up.
Alan: It was beautiful.