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7. August 2007 um 17:31 Uhr #281608
MitgliedLisa nods toward a circle of boys. A cute, spiky haired boy named Ben Braeden is sitting in the center opening presents while simultaneously chowing down on a sandwich. He’s almost the epitome of a little!Dean as he rips open a gift revealing an AC/DC Cd upon which the child shouts out that the band rules. (smart cookie that one.)
We get a shot of Dean as he takes the kid in. He finds the resemblance to his nature a bit eerie and asks Lisa how old did she say the kid was. Lisa replies that Ben is eight and Dean’s eyes narrow. Not more than a second later, Donna and Katie, two woman we shall meet in the teaser, arrive. Donna’s worn and pale, and the instant Lisa spots her she asks Dean to excuse her for a minute.
Dean’s attention is still locked on Ben and he absently tells Lisa not to mind him. Lisas leaves Dean to go meet Donna. Dean stares at Ben a moment longer, then shakes it off—as his eyes fall on the cake table.
EXT. Lisa’s house—Backyard—Cake Table—Moments Later
Dean loads up a huge plate as normal completely oblivious to the chorus of woman eyeing him. They are gossiping quietly so he won’t hear them. The first mom asks the others if they all heard Lisa calling Dean by his name. And the other mom asks if she means ‘the’ Dean—‘best night of my life’ Dean.
Annette, an early 40s realtor, leans in toward the second mom and asks just who is Dean. The mom can’t believe Annette doesn’t know the crazy, semi-illegal story and before she can go into details, Dean turns around instantly shutting her up.
Dean tells her hello, to which the moms also give him greeting as Dean offers a friendly, but confused smile at the intensity the woman are giving him. He decides to walk away and all the woman give a sigh of lustful envy.
Ext. Lisa’s house—Backyard—Continuous
On Dean’s overflowing plate of cake as he forks in a huge bite, nearly running into Ben as he devours his food. He’s startled to find Ben also jamming a huge bite in his little mouth. Ben casually asks Dean what’s up and Dean swallows hard before replying not much.
There’s an awkward pause as Ben continues to dig into his cake not paying attention to Dean’s apparent discomfort at the situation. Dean states the oblivious and says that it’s Ben’s Birthday. Ben tells him that he’s guilty of the statement and Dean comments that the party is pretty cool.
Ben gets excited and tells Dean that the whole deal is freakin’ sweet and asks if Dean’s seen the spacewalk/moonbounce. Dean admits that he has and says that those are fun. Ben inquires if Dean knows who else thinks those things are fun and answers with chicks, telling Dean that its like a hot chick city in that thing. With that said, Ben sets his cake down and makes a mad dash for the moonbounce.
Dean stares after the kid with a pure look of OMFG. He’s clearly trying not to panic as he takes a few deep breaths and moves to toss out the rest of his cake, but manages to top over the trash can during his efforts and quickly moves to right it.
Ext. Lisa’s House—Backyard—Patio—Day
Lisa pours some ice tea for Donna as the woman watches, clearly troubled as a young girl, Katie, plays a short distance away. Lisa asks how the woman is holding up and Donna replies that she’s fine although its clear that she’s not. Lisa questions if she means it and Donna shrugs.
Lisa tells Donna that its okay to admit that the situation is not okay. Because what happened to Richard was just awful. Donna looks down at her drink and starts to say something then decides never mind.
Random Scene:
Donna is thanking Annette as the woman tries to keep the door open. Annette asks if Donna is sure, because she doesn’t seem okay. Donna closes the door on Annette and then leans against it. She’s exhausted and closes her eyes for a spilt second.
She hears her daughter demand ice cream and opens her eyes only to find Katie right in front of her. Katie repeats her request and Donna just stares at the child like she’s an alien.
Ext. Morning Hill Street—Day
Dean rechecks a scrawled address and looks up, its clear across a playground flooded with playing kids. The older Winchester cuts through the park, passing a group of tough looking kids all crowed around the newest Nintendo creation. Dean spots Ben on a bench totally alone, and down.
Dean turns away, his goal to ignore because just the sight of Ben freaks him out. But Dean glances back despite himself because Ben really looked lonely and reluctantly, Dean walks over.
He greets Ben, but the boy just looks up at him, then recognizes Dean from his birthday party. Dean restates his name for the boy’s sake, but Ben just nods and keeps his attention on the group of boys huddled around the game.
Dean inquires as to what is wrong and taking in Ben’s misery, takes another look at the group of boys before asking if the game they are playing is Ben’s. The eight-year-old meets Dean’s eyes and reluctantly tells him that Ryan borrowed it and now won’t give it back.
Dean starts to ask if Ben wants him to go get it and Ben interrupts very quickly with orders for Dean to not go over there because only bitches send a grown-up. Dean nods, cause the kids got a point and Ben states resigned that he is not a bitch.
Dean cast another look to the kid holding the Nintendo and realizes it’s a big kid. He asks Ben if the big kid is Ryan and states that he needs to lay off the burgers. Ben smiles despite his frustration and nods. Dean sizes Ryan up and then grins.
Ext. Playground—Moments Later
Ben, determined but anxious, stalks up to the group of touch kids and clears his throat. They ignore him and he looks over his shoulder at Dean, who gives him a thumbs up of support.
Ben turns back and states Ryan’s name. The big boy looks up and gives Ben an irritated look. Ben politely tells him that he’d like his game back and Ryan offers a challenge in return telling Ben to take it back.
It’s fighting words and the tough kids gather around Ben and Ryan, hoping to get a show. Ben glances at all the bigger kids and turns to go, Ryan mocks him and tells the other guys he was right in calling him a pu—(don’t you love TV, standards and practices… *smirks*).
He’s cut off as Ben spins around and knees Ryan in the crotch. Ryan doubles over and Ben expertly sweeps his legs out from under him. Ryan hits the ground—hard. We get a shot of Dean who’s entertained and very proud of Ben. The other kids are in shock and clearly impressed.
Ben calmly leans over Ryan and takes his game back before walking away in triumph making a beeline for Dean. Dean is smiling like a loon, and raises his hand for a high five. He tells Ben that he did good and to hit him up high.
Before the act can be completed however, Lisa’s mom voice hits the air as she calls Ben by his full name and rushes up to the two. She’s furious and demands to know what has gotten into her son.
Ben tries to explain that Ryan stole his game, but Lisa is fixated on the fact that Ben kicked the other child and asks when is that okay. She cuts herself off thought to stare daggers into Dean as she realizes exactly why Ben reacted the way he did. Dean works on his best innocent look, but it ain’t working.
Lisa asks him point blank if he told her son it was okay to beat up that kid. Dean replies that of course he didn’t…he merely showed a basic leg sweep. Lisa mutters an unbelievable, and Dean argues that someone has to teach the kid how to knee someone in the nads.
Lisa is livid and fixes a hard look on Dean as she asks who told Dean to teach Ben anything. Dean tries to tell her to relax and Lisa cuts him off questioning why he’s even still around. She tells him that they had one weekend a million years ago and that Dean doesn’t know her and has no business with her son.
Dean tries to smooth things over, but Lisa tells him to just leave them alone and grabs Ben’s hand, leading the kid away. Ben breaks away from his mom’s grasp and runs back to Dean giving the man a quick hug as he whispers a thanks. He runs back to mom obediently and Lisa leads them off the playground without another word.
Ext. Construction House—Night
There’s a for sale house that Dean passed earlier on the way to Morning Hill. The exterior is finishes, but the inside is gutted and shadowed. The yard is a mess of dug up, exposed red clay dirt.
The Impala pulls up, and Sam and Dean emerge, holding duffle bags and flashlights. They survey the house, and Sam looks down at the dirt. He notices the red clay and states that’s what was on the windows. Dean nods then tells Sam to take the front and he’ll go around. Sam nods and they two split up.
Int. Lisa’s Living Room—Night
Lisa’s just sitting down with a book when Ben calls for her. She’s startled and spins around to find the kid right behind her. Ben tells her to play with him and Lisa tells him that its not funny anymore and that she has already put him in bed three times. Ben replies that he doesn’t want to go to bed and throws his arms around Lisa, clinging to her and telling her that he wants to be with his mommy.
Lisa’s taken aback by the affection and tells Ben that is sweet and hugs him back. But Ben breaks away from Lisa and informs her that he is hungry. Lisa stares at Ben curiously, something is off.
Int. Lisa’s House—Kitchen—Night
Ben stands behind Lisa as she digs around in the freezer. She asks him if Pizza Pockets are okay but all they got is deluxe. Ben says that’s okay and Lisa gives him a quick hard look.
She says that’s funny cause Ben was on an anti-olives kick this month and the kid shrugs and just stands there, staring. Lisa’s growing more weirded out by the second and crosses to the microwave, pops in the snack and gasps as she shuts the door.
The reflective glass reveals Ben’s reflection and its scarily monstrous—white, pale skins and gills. Lisa spins to face her son, only to find he looks perfectly normal. Ben asks her what’s wrong and Lisa just stares.
Int. Construction House—Basement Stairs—Night.
A flashlight beam pierces the darkness as Dean scans the stairs and the landing below. Its all empty but then he hears a faint scratching sound coming from the bottom. He quietly and rapidly descends the stairs.
Random Scene—Later
Sam shouts orders for Dean to get the kids out of the house—now! Dean works fast, hoisting the second and third kid out and asks Sam if that’s why the changelings keep the kids alive –so mom can snack on them.
Sam says that it looks like the changeling kids feed on human moms and changeling moms feed on real kids. He hurries to help his brother and tries to rouse the real Annette as Dean lifts the fourth kid up, there are just Katie and Ben left now to get free. Just then Katie shrieks and Sam and Dean turn to find Changeling Annette standing right behind them.
Int. Lisa’s House—Living Room—Night
Lisa backs away from the changeling!Ben who’s standing there innocently, confused by his mom’s behavior. Lisa’s panicked as she tells Ben he isn’t her son and Ben disagrees saying that yes he is.
Lisa asks where Ben is and Ben replies that he is Ben and that he loves his mommy. Lisa takes another step back, her eyes falling on the table beside the door, holding her car keys—she lunges, grabs the keys and opens the front door—freezing instantly.
We get Lisa’s POV as five changeling kids stand on her front lawn—staring at her. In unison they step toward her and Lisa slams the door in terror as Ben tells her they don’t want her to leave.
quelle: supernatural-tv
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