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7. August 2007 um 17:32 Uhr #281605
MitgliedMal ein bissel mehr zu der Folge…
Int. Church—Night:
It’s late and candles are flickering in the church sanctuary located in Elizabethville, Ohio. A nun is making her final rounds for the night, and smiles to herself as she slots the prayer books—she’s at peace with her work until a dark shape passes behind her.
The nun turns nervously and calls out asking if the Father is there. No one answers and she’s spooked as starts to hurriedly put the rest of the prayer books away. She gets all the way to the end of the row and walks directly into Father Gil. She jumps and he smiles warmly at her.
The Father tells her that she’s done for the night and he’ll walk her to her car. The nun is relived and follows the Father up the aisle toward the front of the church. Neither one of them notice the man sitting behind them in the pew. He’s thin, a mess, and his eyes are vacant.
The man’s name is Andy Johnson, and he calls out to the Father in an eerie wail. Father Gil turns, and clearly knows the man. He asks what Andy is doing there, and Andy tells the Father that it has to stop. Father Gil asks what Andy is talking about and Andy stands, raises a gun and places it into the soft spot of his chin.
Andy repeats that it has to stop and Father Gil yells out a cry for the man to wait, but with a click, boom Andy blows his head off and blood splatters everywhere. Father Gil steps back in shock and the Nun lets out a bloodcurdling scream.
Int. Town Square—Day
Elizabethville is a happening place, bordering on the whole Mardi Gras-party til you drop vibe. The Impala pulls to a stop as Dean stares out the window in excited amazement. He asks Sam about the research saying that this was a boarded up factory town, and Sam replies that it was supposed to be
The boys exit the car and three attractive woman walk by with cups of beer. Dean turns on the charm and asks what the ladies are drinking. They reply that its banana hurricanes. And Dean says of course that’s what they chose, and the girls giggle and move on. Dean watches them and turns to Sam with a huge grin.
He tells Sam he don’t know what the hell they are waiting for—let’s investigate.
Int. Church—Day
Dean and Sam follow Father Gil down the church aisle. They are in jackets and ties (smirks). Father Gil turns out to be a salt of the earth kind of guy, who’s very likeable. He tells the boys that he’s not sure what’s left for the insurance company because Andy’s death was a suicide—he saw it himself.
Dean reassures the man that it shouldn’t take more than a minute in that case and the Father points out the pew. He tells the Winchesters that this was were Andy sat most Sundays, before he stopped coming to church anyways.
Sam asks when that was and Father Gil states that it was around two months ago, right around the time everything else started to change. Sam inquires as to what the changes were, and Father Gil replies that the town used to be one you could be proud of, people cared. He goes on to reveal that Andy sang in the choir, then one day just wasn’t Andy anymore.
The Father tries to explain Andy’s behavior and Sam offers possessed as a term. Father Gil mulls this over then replies that one could agree to that. Andy gambled all his money away, cheated on his wife, and destroyed his business all in what would seem like a flip of a switch.
Dean and Sam share a look and Sam asks the Father if he knows the man who killed the folks in the hobby shop. Father Gil says that he does, and gives them the name Tony Perkins stating that Tony was a good man.
Sam asks again if Tony’s personality shifted too, and Father Gil says that while he never really considered it before, yes it did. About the same time Andy’s shifted as well.
Int. Hotel—hallway—Day
It’s a once nice Bed and Breakfast gone to hell in a handbasket. Sam and Dean are walking to their room. Sam tells Dean that its been two months since they opened Devil’s Gate and suddenly a random town has turned into Margaritaville. It’s not a coincidence.
Before Dean can offer a response, a man exits a room farther down the hall, followed closely by a scantily clad prostitute. He peels off a roll of bills and the woman tucks it into her bra.
Dean lets out a you gotta be kidding me and then calls out the name Iggy. The man turns, and we get a better look at him. He’s in his late 20s, a hunter straight out of Jersey. Iggy greets Dean and then introduces the hooker and his sister Cheryl.
Cheryl puts a big smile on for the boys and then growls to Iggy that he’s short. He peels off another twenty and she closes the door. Iggy repeats that its his step-sister.
Int. Hotel Room—Day
Sam, Dean and Iggy are in the room, and Dean looks none too pleased. Sam asks how the two know each other and Dean answers saying Sam was at school. Iggy says it was a succubus in Canarsie, and that if Sam could’ve seen the cans on the broad—it was a total shame he had to waste her.
Dean interrupts, asking rhetorically who exactly killed her, cause he’s pretty sure Iggy’s ass was grass if it hadn’t been for him. Iggy plays it off saying he forgot how much of a comedian Dean was and Dean aint amused as he replies that he told Iggy then, and he’ll tell him now—he ain’t cut out for the job and is gonna get himself killed.
Iggy’s cell phone ring and the man answers telling the person on the other line to talk to him. He covers the phone and tells Dean that as an FYI his words hurt. He then uncovers the phone and tell the girl on the other end its not a good time.
Sam compliments Iggy on his phone and Iggy tells him all the cool stuff that’s included stating that Japanese kids are killing for it. Sam tells him that it had to set him back a lot of money and Iggy says for the Winchester bro’s yeah, at least 900, but his cost was fugeddaboudit.
Sam asks exactly how much that is exactly and Iggy just replies with another fugeddaboudit. Sam shoots Dean a confused glance and Dean shrugs. Iggy simply crosses his arms with a satisfied smile and tells the brothers he’s ghost hunter, bargain hunter—a whole cottage industry.
Dean’s annoyed and asks if Iggy has found anything in town. Iggy asks if he means demons and whatnot and Sam interjects with a yes. Iggy says he got nothing and Dean is not happy and points out that Iggy has been in town for a whole week! Then asks about his ‘sister’ back there.
Iggy says that honestly she definitely had the devil in her, but she wasn’t no demon if they know what he means. Iggy chuckles until he realizes that Sam and Dean ain’t. He adds that church guy and hobby shop guy were lunchmeat by the time he got to ‘em and he can’t prove if they were possessed or not.
Sam admits that’s where they are stuck at and then goes on to venture that the demons are possessing people around town and raising hell. Dean states that its just weird, because why would a demon blow his own brains out.
Iggy says it could be for fun, its like a stolen car on a joyride kind of thing—just body jumping. The brothers consider it and then asks Iggy if anyone else in town fits the bill—you know, nice guy turned douche.
Iggy says there’s Trotter who used to head up the rotary club but suddenly turned all bastard and brought in gambling and hookers—the man basically runs the whole town now. Dean asks if Iggy knows where to find Trotter and Iggy says yup—should be at his bar in a few hours.
Int. Trotter’s Bar–Night
There’s strobe-lit dance floor and party rock blaring. Sam and Dean move through the crowd and Dean is loving every inch of the place. Iggy is donning the cheesiest shirt on the planet and Dean tells him he’s bringing satin back. Lol
Iggy tells the boys to try Thai Silk. Two for twenty-five out on Canal Street. He points and indicates Trotter toward the back. Sam and Dean look and see the 60-something Trotter looking as wretched as a person can get, clothed in all black. Next to him is his bodyguard—Max.
Iggy informs the brothers that Trotter sits there all night, and they can’t touch him. Sam asks now what are they gonna do, and Dean simply nods to the very attractive bartender—Casey. Dean says he doesn’t know what Sam’s plans are but he’s thinking of doing a little investigating with the bartender.
Iggy warns Dean to take it easy, because he’s got a little something worked out with the girl. Dean shrugs the man off, and Iggy tells them he has to hit the head, and release a hostage –He’ll be back in a few.
After Iggy takes off, Sam and Dean walk up to the bar. Dean gripes that there is no way Iggy scores a chic like that, cause just looking at her he can tell you could bounce a nickle off that ass.
The man next to them at the bar turns with a smile, much to Dean’s horror—its Father Gil. He asks if Dean really thinks so—about the whole coin thing and Dean apologizes. The Father states that he knew the boys would find their way to this particular bar—they all do.
Sam asks the Father what he’s doing there and Father Gil replies that like it or not he goes where his flock is. At that moment, Casey comes over and teases Father Gil saying that the clergy drink for free. Father Gil replies that is only because a certain bartender owes him a confession and Casey tells him it won’t be in this lifetime.
Father Gil knocks back the rest of his shot and stands, telling Casey he wants to see her butt in one of the pews on Sunday, the nickel is optional. Dean looks chastised as the Father takes off.
Casey asks what she can get for the brothers and Dean’s back into charmer. He says that he heard she makes a mean hurricane (and damn all this hurricane talk is making me want one). Casey flirts right back and tells Dean that he can judge that for himself.
When Casey steps away, Sam throws Dean a look and asks Dean if he really drinks hurricanes.
Random Scene:
Cop asks the boys if they are ready for their mugshots, smiling as he goes on to tell them the photographer will be around to take their picture for the local paper. Dean flashes a thumbs up and smiles saying it’d be an honor—and oh, what a thrill.
The cop moves away and Sam and Dean slip into the crowd, when Dean suddenly stops and realizes Iggy is missing.
Int. Mansion—Foyer—Night
It’s a gloomy kind of place with drop cloths on all the furniture. Casey leads Iggy in and Iggy asks how a bartender affords a place like this. Casey tells him that her parents left it for her and that doesn’t come her unless she wants to be alone.
Iggy heads for the stairs and Casey beckons him another way, calling him silly.
Int. Mansion—Basement Stairwell—Night
Casey leads Iggy down, the room getting creepier by the second. Iggy is getting spooked and asks if Casey is sure she wouldn’t be more comfortable in the bedroom, or a hotel room. He says it wouldn’t be for nothing-he’s got oils. Casey points out she has toys and Iggy totally agrees toys trump oils.
Int. Mansion—Basement—Continuous
Its more like a damn catacomb and candles are everywhere. A huge oriental rug covers most of the floor and Iggy’s instincts are kicking in. He asks warily if Casey doesn’t get scared down here all by herself. Casey replies that of course she doesn’t—she has a hunter to protect her.
In a flash—her eyes shine black *DEMON* Iggy rips a buck knife from his angle sheath and charges her, bringing the knife down for the kill. Casey catches his knife arm and slams it into her knee, the blade clattering away and Iggy screams in agony.
Grabbing his head with both hands, Casey twists it with a sickening snap and Iggy crumbles to the ground.
Later Random Scene:
Casey tells Dean she has faith and asks him if her kind is really that different from his kind. Dean’s sarcastic as he tells her that for except the whole demons are evil sons of bitches part…And Casey replies asking if humans are really such a loveable bunch—and uses Dick Cheney as an example..
Dean says she has a point there and then asks if Dick is one of her’s. Casey says not yet, but he’s got a basement parking spot reserved for him. Dean smiles, and awkwardly switches topics.
He asks what’s it like down in hell, and Casey looks at him skeptically for a moment until it dawns on her. She reiterates that Dean has booked a one-way ticket and he’s not gonna like it one bit. Especially given the trouble he caused, she doesn’t think he’ll be getting the presidential suite.
She goes on to say it’s the pit of despair and why does Dean think all the demons want out. Dean’s visibly troubled.
Int. Church—Father Gil’s Office—Night
Sam and Father Gil enter, and Father Gil tells Sam that if his brother is missing he should contact the police. Sam points out the town they are in and the Father acknowledges his point. He takes a second and then asks why Sam said brother, cause he so thought they were insurance investigators.
Sam says that they are and its like a family business. Father Gil seems satisfied and asks just how exactly does Sam need his help. Sam replies that he saw the Father talking to Casey the other day and just picked up that the Father knew her pretty well. He then tells the Father that Casey and Dean left Trotter’s bar.
Father Gil states that while he doesn’t approve—Dean and Casey are consenting adults. Sam says that he knows, but they weren’t at Casey’s apartment and he just has this feeling that something is wrong—and they could be in trouble.
Sam’s fidgety, but doesn’t answer. Father Gil studies him for a minute and Sam asks the Father to please help him. There’s a tense moment of silence and only because of Sam’s sincerity (and you know puppy dog eyes) the Father tells him he knows a place that Casey goes to from time to time. Sam’s relieved as he thanks the Father.
Father Gil goes to get his jacket from the closet, and the camera shifts as he opens the closet door and we see that his eyes flash back for a few seconds. *gasps* Father Gil is a demon! He turns back to Sam, his eyes back to normal as he asks Sam if he’s ready to go.
Int. Basement—Night
Dean and Casey have more or less settled in. Casey says its kind of funny—her and Dean sitting down like a couple of regular folks. Dean points out that yeah, if you count funny in an apocalyptic sense.
Casey smiles and says that she thinks Dean’s an okay guy. She goes on to say that the others don’t really describe him that way, but that she thinks he’s likeable. Dean is taken aback a bit by a demon liking him and states he isn’t sure how to respond to that.
Casey tells him he could thank her. She tells him that the deal he made to save Sam—a lot of demons make fun of him for it, because they think it was weak and stupid. But she doesn’t think that.
Dean nods a thanks and tells her that the truth is—its been liberating. He doesn’t have to worry about the future when he doesn’t have one—and Sam well, Sam’s his brother.
Int. Father Gil’s Car—Night
Father Gil asks Sam if he sees insurance investigation as a life’s work or does he have something bigger in his future. Sam asks what the Father means, and Father Gil says that it could be anything—he just gets the sense that Sam has leadership qualities. He sees him in front of the pack, not just a part of it.
Sam tells him that he’s comfortable doing what he’s doing. Father Gil states that it is Sam’s life, and then asks if Dean finds trouble often. Sam agrees his brother finds his own fair share of it, and then Father Gil says that it’s a good thing Dean has Sam then—his brother’s keeper.
Int. Mansion—Basement—Night
Casey stretches, her shirt pulling tight against her body and Dean can’t help but look. Casey states that if she didn’t know better she’d see lust in his eyes. Dean smiles, he knows he’s busted and Casey goes on to tell him that it would be one way to pass the time, but she really doesn’t think Dean would respect her in the morning.
Dean laughs and states jokingly that it’s okay–he barely respects her now
quelle: supernatural-tv
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