Die Folge ist ja sowas von geil. Wie Al sich immer freut, wenn er seine „Fergie“ sieht

Und natürlich das Ende, als er aufs Klo geht und der Brunnen geht aus

Steve: Al, I don’t see any spot marked off for a sink.
Al: Hey, this is a man’s bathroom. You know, when you share a bathroom with a woman, or in my case Peggy, you got nylons hanging on the curtain rod, you got Nair where the toothpaste should be, a bottle of vinegar lying around. I mean, what do they do in there, make a salad? In my bathroom there’s only gonna be men’s things: Rolaids, Milk of Magnesia, Tums, a spot for my razor.
Steve: Why have a razor if you don’t have a sink?
Al: Oh, it’s not for shaving, Steve. It’s for peace of mind.
Al: We don’t need the lottery. We have each other.
Peggy: I want the lottery.
Kelly: Eat Dad’s socks.
Bud: Sniff his shoes.
Peg: I am telling you, Al loves that toilet more than he does me.
Marcy: Peggy, don’t be ridiculous.
Al: Hi Peg. (Al walks to the toilet, hugs it and gives it a kiss) Daddy loves you.
Peg: What does that toilet have that I don’t?
Al: A job.