4×13 – Die Rückkehr (Teil 2) | There’s No Place Like Home (Part 2)

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    Diese 5 Folgen soll man sich laut Cuse und Lindelof noch einmal anschauen:

    1.) PILOT (Season 1):
    Cuse: Where it all began. It sets up the premise of how this people got onto the island. In the finale we are dealing with how the O6 got off the island.

    2.)WHITE RABBIT (Season 1):
    Lindelof: That was the birth of the conversation about faith versus reason. As Jack chasing the ghost of his father, he happens upon Locke. Jack confides that he cant possibly be seeing what he thinks he´s seeing and Locke says, ‚But what if you were?‘. In the finale, there´s an incedibly powerful scene between them that began way back in ‚White Rabbit‘.

    3.)LIVE TOGETHER, DIE ALONE (Season 2):
    Cuse: The origin of the audience´s understanding of the island´s strange properties. The stated goal in [the 5/8] episode was: We have to move the island. We´ve seen devices capable of doing strange and wacky things, like crashing an airplane. So maybe it is possible to move it.

    Lindelof: The episode that introduced the flash-forwards. Rewatch Jack´s ff again now, knowing everything you learned this season it´d be good to have that information under your belt when this finale starts. Because this finale just might start where that one ended.

    5.)THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME (Season 4):
    Cuse: We find our castaways trying to defend the very island that they´re trying to escape. And it gives you an sense that the freighter is bearing a group of very bad guys whose express mission is to kill everybody. You’ll see where that leads in this years´s finale. Lindelof: But the real moral of that story is, ‚Dont´t piss off Benjamin Linus‘.

    Die Spoiler sind nicht schlimm. Sind nur ganz, ganz leichte Andeutung von Cuse und Lindelof, wo bei den Folgen die Paralle zum Finale liegt. Wirklich nicht schlimm. Außerdem kann man sich das alles auch so denken. Aber ich habe mal lieber die Tags gesetzt, denn Vorsicht ist ja die Mutter der Porzellankiste. ;)

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