Gute Folge #regie#
Original von Adrian Monk
Das Elliott in dem Grab vergessen wird, war ja sowas von klar. Auch wenn ich es ehrlich gesagt, noch nie auf einem Friedhof erlebt hab, dass dort einfach so offene Gräber vorhanden sind #hm#
Das war echt cool
In Amerika ist das anscheinend üblich /
Die Story mit Kelso und seiner Patientin war auch sehr unterhaltsam :p Lavernes „She googled your ass“ war auch genial 
Nell: Why am I paying you to tell me things I’ve already figured out on my own?
Dr. Kelso: Maybe because I graduated first in my class at Stanford in 1972?
Nell: [reads her cell phone display] You graduated twelfth in your class in 1968. [shows him the display]
Laverne: She googled your ass.
Dr. Kelso: Laverne, I am not interested in your street lingo. What I am interested in is where she found that magic phone that keeps making me look like an idiot!
J.D.: Why can’t Carla just let this go?
Elliot: Wouldn’t you be mad if you caught your husband talking to his ex-girlfriend?
J.D.: Yeah, but… mostly because I had a husband.
(Elliot is on the phone with J.D.)
Cox: Ask Betty why he’s such a girly girl.
Elliot: Not now.
Cox: Do it now. Dow it now. Call her Betty.
Elliot: You’re insane.
Cox: Betty. Betty. Betty. Betty. Betty. Betty. Betty. Betty.
Elliot: (to J.D.) Betty?
J.D.: Yeah?
Elliot: Oh my god it worked!