5×07 – noch unbekannt | Good Intentions

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Ansicht von 7 Beiträgen – 1 bis 7 (von insgesamt 7)
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  • #330893

    Hill returns from Benchley Memorial, to his own private room in the hospital. He refuses to tell McManus who gave him the drugs, but says it wasn’t Urbano. Tim tells Redding, who confronts „witness“ Busmalis. Busmalis and Poet lie that Guerra was responsible. This leads to a brawl between Redding/Morales and their respective groups. Cyril is found guilty, and Ryan informs Catherine and Sister Pete that he won’t ask for clemency. He tells Cyril that he’s going to be set free. When Suzanne tells Ryan she knows him, that he won’t be able to live with himself, he blows up, telling her that she doesn’t know him at all. He also has to deal with Father Meehan pressing him on his lack of faith and his attitude towards Cyril’s future. Behind Ryan’s back, Sister Pete, Suzanne, Catherine, and Father Meehan begin working on a press blitz to ensure the public won’t let Cyril be executed. Ryan repays the Sicilians for amputating Shupe’s right arm by provoking Jia into a fight. Jia takes a swing at a CO, then knocks out another, until Ryan starts beating on him. The hacks are grateful, egged on even more when Ryan says he’s heard Jia laughing about how dumb the CO’s are. 3 of them greet Jia in his solitary cell, macing him and beating him senseless. Even though he’s still shunning Peter Schibetta, Glynn is thrown into action against Timmy Kirk due to Mukada’s injuries. He convinces a biker friend of Hoyt’s to implicate Kirk in Cloutier being bricked up; Kirk is put in chains and dragged to solitary. When Officer Lopresti bullies Penders, Penders tells his dog to attack. Well-trained, the dog rips into Lopresti’s throat. Penders is sent to solitary, leaving Miguel as the last of the three dog-trainers. He gets high praise from Alicia, and a great surprise when Eugene Rivera stops by, deciding to take the dog after all. Rivera gets a surprise of his own when Miguel reveals that he trained the dog commands in both English and Spanish. McManus is overjoyed with the success of the dog and music programs. Glynn notices the intimacy in the bickering between Tim and Eleanor. Feeling guilty for his part in Brass‘ downslide and stealing of the lottery ticket, Tim helps Bob Rebadow track down a match for his grandson’s transplant. Not only does the match refuse to help, the only thing he gives Bob is a punch in the face. Inspired by another prisoner’s miracle story of a faith healer, Bob asks his sister Sarah to let the woman try to heal their grandson. She says no, and harsh words ensue from both sides. Bob even curses. Yes, that’s right, he curses. Robson’s gums still bother him as he confides in Vern that he isn’t sure what race the donor was. When Dr. Fajar learns Robson has been asking to see him, he freaks out, quitting Oz and, for spite, passing along a note to Poet that details Robson’s potentially biracial gums. Ryan gleefully announces Robson’s problem during lunch, humiliating him and the Aryan Brotherhood in front of everyone. Robson confronts Fajar in his office, but miraculously, Fajar manages to hit him in the jaw and escape alive (but not before assuring him the donor wasn’t white). Thanks to this, Fajar ties Diane Whittlesey as the smartest person to ever work at Oz, especially smart because they got the hell out of there! After being counselled by a higher-up in the Brotherhood (who apparently lives on the outside and has never been seen or mentioned before), Vern knows he has to throw Robson out of the group. And he does exactly that. Keller caught the same bus that took Hill back to Oz, only Keller has permanent hearing loss in his right ear. Sister Pete tries in vain to help him. She also tries to help Adam Guenzel, now pragged and withdrawn. Meanwhile, a guilt-ridden Beecher admits his behavior to Said, who tells him he has to punish himself by not seeing Keller if he truly wants to atone. Beecher agrees. During an interaction session with Vern/Beecher/Said, Pete takes the offensive and asks what they know about the rape. Each clam up, and a disgusted Pete swears that she will talk to Adam every day until he tells her what has been done to him. Clued in by her incredibly dangerous and stupid statement, Vern then arranges for Adam to „escape“, which leads to Adam being electrocuted on the barb-wire fence at the gates. Beecher is, as always, guilt-ridden. Minor stories: Pancamo’s health continues to worsen, to the point of incoherent babbling. Peter Schibetta is much better after talking to Gloria, but still can’t face his wife and won’t admit who raped him. A nasty remark from Vern turns him into an emotional mess, curling into a ball. Grizzly Alvin Yood, the sole survivor of Unit J last season, is back as Sister Pete’s new assistant. Murphy gets rough with Martinez to pressure him into confessing why he threw that nasty cocktail in Brass‘ face.

    Quelle: TV.com


    Klasse Folge, einiges passiert, wie man ja auch an dem Post ueber mit erkennen kann. :p

    – Augustus war wieder zu sehen #hallo#
    – es gibt einen passenden Spender fuer Redabows Enkel, doch der will nicht, da die Anderen erfahren koennten, dass er nicht 100% schwarz ist /:) Nun soll’s ein Wunderheiler richten, auch wenn die Oma das nicht will..
    – der scheiss Chinese ist in Einzelhaft und hat noch einige Schlaege kassiert, richtig so, die Ratte muss weg X-(
    – der eine Junge ist nun tot, er wurde zu einer zu grossen Gefahr… war irgendwie klar, der naechste wird folgen
    – Robson ist aus der Brotherhood raus #8o# mal sehen, was mit passiert

    Naja, und noch viel mehr. :p


    Meine Befürchtung ist eingetreten, und einer der Hunde hat jemand zerfleischt. Zu meiner Überraschung war es nicht Alvarez‘ Hund. Alvarez hat seinen Hund sogar richtig gut erzogen. Die Abschlussprüfun hat Alvarez mit einem A+ bestanden, und der Blindenhund geht nun doch an Rivera. Und speziell für ihn hat Alvarez seinem Hund sogar alle Befehle auf spanisch beigebracht. Multilinguale Hunde FTW! :D

    Jia ist nun in Einzelhaft. Ryan hat sich im Gym mit ihm angelegt, die COs gingen dazwischen, Jia verprügelte COs, Ryan half den COs, COs schlugen auf Jia ein, Jia sitzt in Einzelhaft. Und hat dort auch noch so einiges einstecken müssen, unter anderem Pfefferspray.

    Cyril wird sterben #sad#
    Sein Verfahren verlief negativ, und nun bekommt er die Todesstrafe. Sehr schade, habe ihn sehr gemocht. Auch krass das Ryan nun nichts mehr versucht Cyril da raus zu holen. Er denkt es ist für Cyril besser so, und wahrscheinlich hat er auch recht.

    Robson hat sein neues Zahnfleisch. Da der Zahnarzt ihn aber während des Transplantation ziemlich fertig gemacht hat, dass das Zahnfleisch von einem schwarzen sein könnte, gehts ihm so richtig scheiße. Er redet mit Schillinger darüber, und er befiehlt ihm der Sache nachzugehen, und rauszufinden ob das Zahnfleisch wirklich von einem schwarzen ist. Sehr geil auch Schillingers Frage ob das Zahnfleisch denn wenigstens eine normale Farbe hätte =). Als rauskommt dass das Zahnfleisch wirklich von einem schwarzen ist, ist Robson aus der Brotherhood raus. Schließlich ist er ja jetzt infiziert. Und wer war das den Schillinger um Rat gebeten hat? Sowas wie der Präsident der Brotherhood?

    Burning;398367 wrote:
    Und wer war das den Schillinger um Rat gebeten hat? Sowas wie der Präsident der Brotherhood?

    Kann ich mich gar nicht mehr erinnern, haste mal ‚en Bild? :-?




    Sorry, bin ich ueberfragt. #hm#


    Geht mir genau so :D
    Ist für micht jetzt halt einfach der Oberboss der Brotherhood, der bis jetzt halt nur noch nicht im Knast gelandet ist.

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