Solide Folge. Die Aktion von Chandler und Rachel war richtig genial, wie sie sich die ganze Zeit um den Kuchen gestritten haben und dann den Kuchen vom Boden aufessen

Phoebe trifft David wieder, der aber gleich wieder nach Minsk verschwindet, arme Phoebe #sad#
Joey: I got a big day at work. You know I’m in a coma? Today they do this test on me, and it turns out I’m not brain-dead.
Chandler: So …
Joey: No, hang on there, smart guy, it’s just my CHARACTER who’s not brain-dead!
Monica: You invite my brother, you invite my whole family, and not me? Why? Why wouldn’t you want me at your wedding? What could I have possibly done?
Frannie: I believe you know my husband.
Ross: So it’s really a question of who could you have possibly done.
Monica: I’m Monica Gellar. How do you know the bride and groom?
The Wedding Guest: Oh, I used to work with Frannie.
Monica: Used to work with her. Used to! I’m a relative and I didn’t get invited! A blood relative! Blood!!
Ross: (To Monica) Stop saying, ‚Blood‘ to strangers.