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26. Juli 2014 um 16:41 Uhr #338926
MitgliedSaim Raimi hat auf der Comic-Con verlauten lassen, dass er zusammen mit seinem Bruder Ivan aktuell an einer TV-Serie zu seinem Kultschocker „Evil Dead“ schreibt. Bruce Campbell soll auch mit involviert sein.
26. Juli 2014 um 18:49 Uhr #488065Noone
Hmm…Weiß nicht so richtig was ich von der Nachricht halten soll…
Prinzipiell könnts ganz geil sein…
Könnte aber auch richtig fürn Arsch sein…
26. Juli 2014 um 18:59 Uhr #488066Stampede
Mitglied@Noone 619477 wrote:
Prinzipiell könnts ganz geil sein…
Könnte aber auch richtig fürn Arsch sein…
Ich kann mir das überhaupt nicht als Serie vorstellen #hm# Nehme mal nicht an, dass das ne andere Geschichte werden wird als die, die man schon kennt und die remaked wurde. Und das dann auf 10 Folgen oder so…. ? #hm#
28. Juli 2014 um 22:25 Uhr #488114Stampede
MitgliedOkay, mit Ash als eventuellem Hauptcharakter wäre ich dann doch wieder positiver eingestellt
Bruce Campbell is set to star in new Evil Dead TV series – Movie News | JoBlo.com
28. Juli 2014 um 22:44 Uhr #488115Noone
MitgliedBC sogar als Hauptrolle? Whoa
29. Juli 2014 um 15:18 Uhr #488121Stampede
MitgliedNaja, noch nicht. Er ist bereit dazu
29. Juli 2014 um 16:35 Uhr #488122Noone
Mitglied@Stampede 619619 wrote:
Naja, noch nicht. Er ist bereit dazu
Nee, „is set“ heißt doch nicht „bereit dazu“? Bedeutet doch soviel wie „ist vorgesehen“? Der Tweet im Arikel sagt ja auch „That’s the plan“
29. Juli 2014 um 16:39 Uhr #488124Stampede
MitgliedUpps, dann hab ich das wohl falsch verstanden #rot#
10. November 2014 um 22:03 Uhr #490376Anonym
GastIst jetz bei Starz und Bruce Campbell übernimmt die Hauptrolle.
Campbell will be reprising his role as Ash, the stock boy, aging lothario and chainsaw-handed monster hunter who has spent the last 30 years avoiding responsibility, maturity and the terrors of the Evil Dead. When a Deadite plague threatens to destroy all of mankind, Ash is finally forced to face his demons –personal and literal. Destiny, it turns out, has no plans to release the unlikely hero from its “Evil” grip.
10. November 2014 um 22:09 Uhr #490379Stampede
Na da bin ich ja mal gespannt. Irgendwie kann ich mir das auf starz nicht vorstellen. Aber irgendwie kann ichs mir auch auf keinen anderen Sender vorstellen #ugly#1. Januar 2015 um 21:55 Uhr #491620Stampede
MitgliedBruce Campbell:
We’re going to give people a little of the old fashioned splatstick—horror and comedy. The fans have been really good to us over the years. This is an opportunity to do something with full street cred. [Fan reaction to last year’s Evil Dead remake] was all, “Yeah yeah, that was nice, fellas, but we still want the real deal.” This is it. Sam’s back. I’m back. [Executive producer Rob Tapert’s] back. Love it or hate it, this will be the real deal.
Bruce Campbell Talks Evil Dead TV Series; Says Show Will Be the „Real Deal“
2. Januar 2015 um 6:16 Uhr #491627Noone
MitgliedKlingt super #mh#
2. April 2015 um 20:15 Uhr #494012Stampede
Mitglied3. April 2015 um 2:17 Uhr #494015Noone
MitgliedGänsrhaut als die Kettensäge erklingt! #devil2#
23. April 2015 um 19:50 Uhr #494504Stampede
MitgliedGibt nen Haufen Infos:
Raimi: “It doesn’t really exist in the exact same universe. It’s a slightly altered universe. It takes place somewhere in an alternate universe after Evil Dead 2.”
Tapert: “We certainly will play to what we once did with Deadites, even through the remake, but we’re trying to expand the universe…We will encounter Deadites, which are very different from other forces of nature out there, and then we expose the audience to new entities that were not yet presented in the Evil Dead universe.“
Raimi: „“It takes place in the here and now with Ash thirty years later; what he’s become and what he’s going to have to face.”“
Raimi: “The Deadites have been fairly dormant over the last 20-30 years and Ash has been living a low life, hiding out. Our story really begins when they come back and someone is needed to stand up against them.” Is it Ash’s fault that they come back? “Of course.”
Raimi: “We have elements of the Evil Dead films, which have always had very hard-edged, intense horror really designed to frighten the audience, and no holds barred there…But also, there is a comedic element that is alive in this…. I think what we tried to do is go back to the horror of the first and second Evil Dead, but with the character that Bruce created over the second and third Evil Dead. We’re really a combination; something we haven’t quite seen before.”
Campbell: “He is a basketcase. We’re going to find Ash is potentially damaged goods and, god forbid, this is our hero.” Tapert continued, “He’s not a nobler or saner character than when we last saw him. In fact, I think if anything, he’s digressed. He’s kind of sunk to his lowest instincts, and that’s where we find him.”
Sam Raimi will only direct the pilot. They’ve already got their other directors lined up, including Michael Bassett (Silent Hill: Revelation), Michael Hurst (Bitch Slap), and Luke Jacobs.
Tapert: “One of the reasons we decided we wanted to do a half hour was that we thought that this was – the breakneck pace that the movies often had, that really was the right format in the world of television for this particular project.” Raimi continued, “I really appreciate that Starz let us keep this half-hour idea. That’s what makes it really cool to me, that we can really fire on all cylinders, and be outrageous and fast paced and non-stop without a lot of secondary character exposition that sometimes you find in these hour shows.”
Campbell: “Because you’re doing a TV show now and not a feature film, you actually have to structure everything differently. You have to structure the storytelling differently and you have to create a much larger world, because the demands of the audience are much – it’s every week that you’re entertaining them, so you have to have a multiplicity of stories and angles and tangents. It’s going to be a much bigger story.”
Etliches mehr: Evil Dead TV Show: Ash vs. Evil Dead Details From Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi | Collider
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