Original von House-Maus .. für mich wär das jetz nichts , so ein romantik zeugs
Ich weiss auch gar ned, was mit mir los ist. Vielleicht der frühe Frühling, zuviel Sonne…
Lisa Edelstein über Jesse:
„Jesse is definitely easy on the eyes, but for me he’s more like a little brother – goofy, funny, full of life. And he’s hilarious. I laugh so hard with him that I have to pee. We’re not a pranks crowd – with us funny is more in the in the delivery. Jesse is quite bright, and he can be very dry, which you don’t really expect coming from such a pretty face. He’s got a ton of energy. And he’s got that great hair and a nice built. But mainly he’s fun to be around, which is attractive in itself. When we had our first beginning-of-season party, Jesse got a little tipsy. He was waiting outside for his ride, holding all these balloons from the party. When the car pulled up, Jesse and his balloons climbed into the trunk. That’s when I knew I felt like a sister to him. Everyone on our show is a bit eccentric and weird but also funny and smart and well-meaning. We’re not warm and mushy, but we have each other’s backs.“
(Werd’s vielleicht mal übersetzen, wenns gewünscht wird)