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12. Januar 2011 um 11:16 Uhr #407958
Sam Crow
Quote:“I’m always game. It always rides on Fox. [Chris Carter] is game. I know [Gillian Anderson] is game. We all, at this point, love the show. We all, at this point, would love to work with one another again. We’re all good friends and miss one another, and miss working together.“We worked together so hard for so long, so closely. We had some ups and downs personally, sure. But in the end, they are really like family to me. We’re all like this little X-Files family and I, for one, would love to continue. And I think there’s a lot left in the show. You know? And I think we can continue to make good movies.“
“It’s just a matter of spending enough on a movie that can compete in the summertime. We made a movie and released it in the summer, but it wasn’t really a blockbuster movie. And it got kind of overshadowed by the bigger ones. So, we’re saying, make us big. We’ll fight with the big boys.”
7. September 2011 um 8:09 Uhr #422694Roland Deschain
Mitglied7. September 2011 um 8:33 Uhr #422695Noone
MitgliedImmer nur das gleiche Blabla…so langsam verliere ich die Hoffnung #sad#
7. September 2011 um 19:13 Uhr #422726Stampede
MitgliedNoone;474819 wrote:Immer nur das gleiche Blabla…so langsam verliere ich die Hoffnung #sad#Same here #sad#
9. September 2011 um 20:29 Uhr #422936Starlight
MitgliedJaha, Mensch, die sollen sich endlich mal nen Ruck geben und nen guten Film machen! #sad#
12. September 2011 um 8:02 Uhr #423043Milly
MitgliedI want to believe in XF3 und würde mich auch freuen, wenn es endlich mal konrekter würde. David Duchovny ist immerhin auch nicht mehr der jüngste. #pfeifen#Die sollten den Mythos endlich nochmal richtig aufleben lassen. Wäre dann vielleicht eh das letzte Mal.
3. August 2012 um 12:22 Uhr #449551Sam Crow
MitgliedAutor und Produzent Frank Spotnitz glaubt tatsächlich noch dran. Immerhin weiß er, was beim Zweiten nicht stimmte:
I’ve been saying for years now that I feel it’s a cultural crime that they have not finished the series. The second movie did not perform the way anybody wanted it to at the box office. I’m proud of that movie, but it makes sense to me that it didn’t. It was released at the height of summer, and it was a story-of-the-week. That’s not what the movie-going audience wanted. The movie-going audience wanted the aliens. That’s what they know The X-Files for. And that story is not done, and it should be finished. I don’t think it’s too late, but I think it’s gonna be, pretty soon. I’m still agitating with everyone I can grab to say, “Let’s make this movie while we still can!”
3. August 2012 um 18:03 Uhr #449565Starlight
MitgliedIch wage ja kaum noch zu hoffen. das wäre einfach zu schön.
3. August 2012 um 22:58 Uhr #449577Noone
MitgliedAch, jetzt brauchen sie auch nicht mehr. Sie hätten es vorm 21.12.2012 ins Kino bringen müssen #sad#
10. August 2012 um 13:59 Uhr #449958Sam Crow
MitgliedDuring an interview with Collider, Duchovny spoke about „X-Files 3,“ which was supposed to go into production last year, but never did. „I would love to do another film, or more. I think we’re all game for it,“ he said. „I think [director] Chris Carter is probably working on an idea, so we’ll see.“
He continued: „I’m kind of perplexed that Fox isn’t more [enthusiastic]. Here’s a homegrown property that you don’t have to go buy, like f*cking ‚Green Lantern‘ or something, to make it. Here you’ve got an actual action franchise that’s your own. It’s weird to me, but I’m not an executive.“
Read more: David Duchovny on Third X-Files Movie | WorstPreviews.com
27. August 2012 um 14:10 Uhr #451109Sam Crow
MitgliedGillian Anderson:
”I met with Chris before coming here and it’s looking pretty good.” Though the principals all seem to be on board, she noted the project will likely take some studio coercion: “We have to convince FOX,” she noted.
Scully herself reports X-Files 3 is „looking pretty good“ – Horror Movie News | Arrow in the Head
27. August 2012 um 15:58 Uhr #451118Noone
MitgliedUnd täglich grüßt das Murmeltier :p
27. August 2012 um 16:02 Uhr #451121Sam Crow
MitgliedIch sage: der kommt.
28. August 2012 um 22:43 Uhr #451288Starlight
MitgliedIch will jetzt aber nicht hoffen und dann kommt doch wieder nix…[-(
28. November 2012 um 22:25 Uhr #458734Sam Crow
MitgliedDavid Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are interested in returning, but producer Frank Spotnitz believes that „X-Files 3“ will likely never happen. „I would like the movie to [happen] and I’ve been talking to [series creator] Chris Carter about it for many years, but there is no script,“ he said, adding that the story would have focused on „the alien colonization story that began the series.“
Spotnitz went on to say that Fox will not simply let the franchise die. He expects that there will be a new „X-Files“ TV series sometime in the future with new actors and new stories. „I wouldn’t be surprised at all,“ he explained. „It’s a huge asset, so I can’t imagine they would let it sit languishing forever.“
Read more: Producer Says X-Files 3 Will Likely Not Happen, But TV Series May Be Rebooted | WorstPreviews.com
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