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30. Mai 2012 um 16:30 Uhr #444836
MitgliedWer spielt denn jetzt eigentlich Lecter? #hm#
30. Mai 2012 um 16:36 Uhr #444837Sam Crow
MitgliedHab ich vorhin versucht rauszufinden. Bisher wurde offenbar nur Dancy gecastet, oder man hält sich einfach noch bedeckt, was ich mir auch gut vorstellen kann.
30. Mai 2012 um 16:39 Uhr #444839Stampede
MitgliedAlso wenn es Hopkins sein sollte, dann spring ich im Dreieck vor Freude
30. Mai 2012 um 16:40 Uhr #444840Sam Crow
14. August 2012 um 20:34 Uhr #450264Sam Crow
MitgliedKleine Übersicht von moviehole:
Here’s the cast…
Hugh Dancy – Will Graham
Mads Mikkelsen – Dr. Hannibal Lecter
Laurence Fishburne – Jack Crawford
Caroline Dhavernas – Dr. Alana Bloom
Here I take a look at the pilot for the series.Storyline in a Nutshell :
Someone is out there abducting college girls. The victims’ bodies have never been found, so there’s some hope (at least until the authorities discover the reason these girls bodies have never been found is because someone’s eaten them for breakfast) that all or some of the eight may be found alive.
Will Graham, now a teacher because of some complex mental issues (bordering on aspergers), is coaxed back into the field by the head of the behavioral science unit, Jack Crawford. Since it’s been eight months that this abductor/killer has been on the loose, and he’s just grabbed his latest victim, the feds are desperate to catch the guy.
Though Crawford’s a little worried that Graham – who has social anxieties and then some – might struggle here and there on the job, he needs his brilliance to find the killer. Graham, being able to empathize with screw loose people, is someone who can sniff out a bad guy’s motivation fairly quickly.
In this case though, Graham needs assistance – someone who can read the ‘Cannibals’ mind even better than he can. The feds recruit Dr Hannibal Lecter, a loopy but brilliant doc, who joins the former and Crawford on the case. Lecter sees it not so much as a chance to do something good for the community (well, anyone that knows Hannibal Lecter knows that he’s got to be involved in the case for a start, right!?), but an opportunity to play with the equally unstable Graham.About the characters :
Will Graham, almost a Yankee take on Benedict Cumberlatch’s Sherlock, is riddled with eccentricities but primed with intelligence. He’s good looking, but oblivious to the admirers that surround him. He’s quite aware he’s made up of some different bits, remarking at one stage that he could even have aspergers. He’s been teaching because he couldn’t handle the social requirements and, according to his colleagues, has a “fear” of, well, almost everything.
He may find it difficult to look people in the eyes when he talks to them, but Graham can also work out the same person pretty quickly – especially those, like him, who suffer from mental disorders.
He’s not the ‘cool cat’ ladies man (in fact, this guy lives with his dog) that William Peterson played in “Manhunter” – this guy is slightly odder. Instead of designer suits and hair salons, the Graham in “Hannibal” is more likely to be spending his cash on text books.
When we first meet Graham in the pilot he’s teaching a class at Quantico, when he’s approached by special agent Jack Crawford, of the behavioural science unit, about doing some field work. Seems Graham has been out of the field for a while now.
The case : Eight girls from eight different Minnesota college campuses have been abducted over the past eight months. The man has been nicknamed the Minnesota shrike.
They have a good team working on the case (a whole “Criminal Minds”-esque outfit) but need more. They need Graham, but also someone even more brilliant, Hannibal (in his forties or so here) – back before he was behind bars.
Lecter does more to rattle than assist.
“Uncle Jack sees you as a fragile little tea cup”, Hannibal says at one point to Graham, adding that he thinks he and the agent are actually match perfect for one another (not the kind of compliment one likes to hear).
It is clear off the bat that Hannibal and Graham don’t get along, largely because Hannibal loves psychoanalyzing Graham. The Doctor loves pushing his buttons. Crawford knows how to handle Hannibal better, but he’s also being played and probed most of the time too. Sadly, it’s Graham that usually ends up sharing a rental car or motel room with Lecter.
(There’s a great scene at a cafe, where Graham, Crawford and Lecter are sharing a bite, in which the good doctor keeps pushing and pushing Graham – – until the young FBI profiler has no choice but to slam his chair in and wait outside, just to get himself together.)Oh, and Lecter?
Naturally, Lecter’s also moonlighting as a killer. The man gets about as Ethan Hunt to disguise his double life – using disguises, switching plates on cars, and so on.
No doubt it’ll take a season or so before Graham begins to trigger onto the fact that Lecter is the one they should be hunting down, not hunting with.
Aside from the three central characters, there’s, as I said, a diverse mix of young FBI employees who assist on most cases; an attractive young psychology professor named Alana Bloom – who may have a crush on Graham, and vice versa; and Freddie Lounds, a do-anything-for-the-story style journalist.http://moviehole.net/201256367exclusive-story-character-details-for-hannibal
Liest sich wie….ja, Hannibal halt. Passt schonmal. #vertrag#
4. Oktober 2012 um 22:21 Uhr #454308Sam Crow
Mitglied5. Oktober 2012 um 2:44 Uhr #454318floppy
MitgliedWie Schlecht #ugly#
Aber ich freue mich trotzdem drauf5. Oktober 2012 um 4:10 Uhr #454321Anonym
GastOh mein Gott, ist das wirklich echt? #ugly#
5. Oktober 2012 um 5:04 Uhr #454326Roland Deschain
MitgliedIch musste erst an CSI denken.
Aber wie awesome Mikkelsen selbst auf so einem Bild aussieht. #vertrag#
5. Oktober 2012 um 10:39 Uhr #454354Noone
MitgliedIch find das Poster eigentlich ziemlich cool. Umsetzung etwas cheesy, aber vom Prinzip her sehr geil.
5. Oktober 2012 um 10:46 Uhr #454356Sam Crow
Mitglied@Noone 545463 wrote:
Ich find das Poster eigentlich ziemlich cool. Umsetzung etwas cheesy, aber vom Prinzip her sehr geil.
5. Oktober 2012 um 13:31 Uhr #454376Stampede
Mitglied@Noone 545463 wrote:
Ich find das Poster eigentlich ziemlich cool. Umsetzung etwas cheesy, aber vom Prinzip her sehr geil.
Sehe ich ähnlich. Allerdings wie man die 3 Darsteller einfach noch so oben hingeklatscht hat mit Bild ist schon etwas sehr billig gemacht. Aber ansonsten cooles Poster.
Und Mads ist halt eh saucool##um##5. Oktober 2012 um 13:38 Uhr #454380floppy
MitgliedDa sieht man mal wieder das Geschmäcker sehr verschieden sein können #ugly#
Ok, die Idee vom Poster ist eventuell noch ganz Nett aber die Umsetzung .. #hm# Grausig..
Da hätten sie lieber die schlecht eingefügten Bilder und das Crime Scene Band wegnehmen können, dann wäre es schonmal besser25. Oktober 2012 um 17:44 Uhr #456001Annie Edison
Mitgliednice Ava Roland
25. Oktober 2012 um 19:38 Uhr #456007Sam Crow
MitgliedFavabohnen und so weiter.
Sehr geil auf jeden Fall! Das wird was. #vertrag# -
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