Acclaimed British actor John Simm will lead the cast of BBC AMERICA’s new original series Intruders produced by BBC Worldwide Productions. From writer and executive producer Glen Morgan (The X-Files) and based on Michael Marshall Smith’s novel ‘The Intruders’, the series is a contemporary, chilling, paranormal drama set in the moody Pacific Northwest. As strange, apparently unrelated events start happening, multiple story-lines – a missing wife, an assassin covering his crimes, a child on the run – begin to intertwine to reveal a conspiracy that will forever change our understanding of human nature. The casting marks Simm’s return to BBC AMERICA where he starred in hit series Life on Mars, State of Play and Doctor Who.
Eduardo Sanchez (Blair Witch Project, Exists) and Daniel Stamm (13 Sins, The Last Exorcism) have been tapped to direct the series, which is executive produced by Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner for BBC Worldwide Productions and begins production this winter.
Simm stars as Jack Whelan, a Los Angeles cop turned writer who has escaped a dark, violent past for a seemingly quiet life with his wife, Amy. When Amy goes missing, Jack is plunged into an investigation that forces him to confront the sins of his past and reexamine the very foundations he’s built his life upon.
via Press Release