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14. September 2005 um 21:32 Uhr #191355
MitgliedDachte mir,es ist ganz interessant zu wissen was für,naja,und ob ihr überhaupt Lieblingszitate habt..meine sind folgende(alle in englisch da ich doch die O-Ton Version vorziehe)..eure können natürlich auch in deutsch sein
1×01 Pilot
David to Nate: You want to get your hands dirty? You sanctimonious prick. Talk to me when you´ve had to stuff formaldehyde-soaked cotton up your fathers ass so he doesn´t leak1×02 The Will
Nate: I have a huge respect for human life. I just didn´t know they can take a dumb when they´re dead.
David: Well, they can. Make a note.1×03 The Foot
Ruth: You wake up one day and your baby´s stolen a foot. Where have I been?
David:Losing $25.0001×04 Familia
Rico:You own an atlas?
David:An atlas?
Rico:Yeah,because if you did, you´d know there´s a 2400 miles distance between Puerto Rico and Mexico.
David:You´re Puerto Rican?1×05 An open book
Claire: Because I wasn´t dropped in a dumpster somewhere, I´m not supposed to want things to be better?1×06 The Room
Nate Sr.:That´s one of the perks of being dead. You know what happens after you´re dead and you know the meaning of life.
Nate:That seems fairly useless.
Nate Sr.:Yeah, I know. Life is wasted on the living1×07 Brotherhood
David:I have someplace I have to be.
Nate: Dave,Dave, it´s okay! I watch porn too.1×08 Crossroads
David:You just pimped me out to that kid.
Nate:That kid wants to jump your bones. Oh come on David. I watch “Will&Grace”, I have gaydar.1×09 Life´s too short
Brenda: Do you know what I find interesting? If you lose a spouse, you´re called a widow or a widower. If you´re a child and you lose your parents, then you´re an orphan. But what´s the word to describe a parent who loses a child?1×10 The new Person
David:Angela, we´re sort of used to a more professional appearance around here.
Angela:Give me a break David, they´re just nipples. I mean we´ve all seen them. We´ve all touched them, we´re all sucked on them. It´s not like this guy will be lying in the casket and people will gonna be saying, “Oh my God, the embalmer’s nipples were hard. They´ll be saying, “Oh my God, how did they put his face back together after he went through the goddamn windshield.”1×11 The Trip
Stripper:Um, are you even enjoying this at all.
David:Yeah, I´m loving it, why?
Stripper:Because you´re dick isn´t responding one bit.
David:Look, I´m gay-it´s not you.1×12 A Private Life
Ruth to David: Well, you´re wrong. You don´t revolt me! I don´t choose which part of you I love, like some kind of chicken.1×13 Knock,knock
Tracy:Why do people have to die?
Nate:To make life important -
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