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23. Mai 2008 um 12:18 Uhr #313400
MitgliedIch werde hier immer die aktuellen Spoiler zu Season 5 reinpacken.
Wer also die 4. Season noch nicht kennt, oder spoiler-frei bleiben moechte, sollte den Thread lieber meiden.Kuerzlich sind erste Castnews in einem Interview mit den LOST-Produzenten aufgetaucht, in dem es heisst, dass eine Darstellerin, die von Beginn der Season 1 dabei ist, in Season 5 nicht auftacht, dafuer aber wieder in Season 6.
In Frage dafuer kommen nur drei Personen:
– Evangeline Lilly (Kate)
– Emilie de Ravin (Claire)
– Yunjin Kim (Sun)Da zwei von ihnen zu den Oceanic 6 gehoeren, und Claire in letzter Zeit nicht ‚voll‘ da war, scheint es wohl klar, um wen es sich handelt. Aber bei LOST weiss man ja nie! Aber ich tippe trotzdem irgendwie auf Sun. #hm# Denn Claire soll laut den Produzenten eine grosse Story in Season 5 bekommen.
20. Dezember 2008 um 17:30 Uhr #355007ClaireB
MitgliedPuh, ewig nichts mehr gepostet. Dann werde ich mal versuchen, ein paar wichtige Sachen zusammenzusuchen.
Wir werden Radzinsky zu Gesicht bekommen. Er wird von Eric Lange gespielt und wird auf jeden Fall in der neunten und zehnten Episode auftauchen.
Es deutet alles daraufhin, dass sich die Losties der DI anschliessen werden. So gibt es viele ‚behind the scenes‘-Fotos die das belegen. (hier, hier)
Ganz besonders interessant duerften diese Bilder, sie zeigen naemlich die O6 auf der Insel in Dharma Jumpsuits. Sie entstammen wahrscheinlich den Dreharbeiten zu 5×09, was bedeutet, dass die O6 wahrscheinlich wieder sehr frueh auf die Insel zurueckkehren werden.
In Episode 5×07 – 316 werden wir eine neue Station sehen, deren Name bisher noch nicht bekannt ist. Jedoch das Zeichen schon.
In Episode 5×04 – The Little Prince werden wir die junge Rousseau zu Gesicht bekommen. Sie wird von Melissa Farman gespielt.
Ausserdem wird Ben Sun in der Folge beweisen, dass Jin noch am Leben ist, und zwar mit seinem Verlobungsring.
Weiterhin unterhalten sich Locke und Ethan 2001 an der Beechcraft und Sawyer beobachtet Kate dabei, wie sie Claire bei der Geburt hilft. #hm#Das sollte erstmal so das Wichtigste und Interessanteste gewesen sein. Wer ueber die einzelnen Episoden auf dem Laufenden bleiben will, dem kann ich noch den Season 5 Episode Guide an’s Herz legen.
20. Dezember 2008 um 18:52 Uhr #355016leo3000
MitgliedWarum denn die junge Rousseau?! Die ist doch tot?! #8o#
20. Dezember 2008 um 18:57 Uhr #355018ClaireB
MitgliedDu glaubst wohl immernoch nicht, dass die Insel in eine andere Zeit zurueckversetzt wurde, oder? :p
20. Dezember 2008 um 19:02 Uhr #355019leo3000
MitgliedAchja!!! Daran hab ich grad gar nicht gedacht. #8o#
Wieso sollte ich es immer noch nicht glauben? Ich meinte doch von Anfang an, dass sie versetzt wurden, oder hab ich das falsch in Erinnerung? #hallo# (Nicht ironisch gemeint, ich weiß es wirklich nicht mehr genau. :p)20. Dezember 2008 um 19:10 Uhr #355020ClaireB
MitgliedNaja, du hast da mal so eine komische Theorie aufgestellt im Trailer-Thread. :p hier
21. Dezember 2008 um 11:00 Uhr #355035leo3000
MitgliedDann gab es da also doch was. :p
Aber wie gesagt, ich denke auch, dass sie in die Vergangenheit „gebeamt“ wurden.22. Dezember 2008 um 9:28 Uhr #355152ClaireB
MitgliedUebrigens hier mal der Main Cast fuer Season 5:
‚Lost‘ stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond, Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday, Michael Emerson as Ben, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Ken Leung as Miles, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet and Terry O’Quinn as Locke.Und um darauf nochmal zurueckzukommen:
@ClaireB 281099 wrote:Und weiterer krasser Spoiler. Einer der acht Charaktere wird in den ersten fuenf Episoden sterben:
Juliet, Rose, Sawyer, Miles, Charlotte, Richard, Penny, Frank…sieht es wohl schlecht aus fuer Rose, Charlotte und Frank.
Penny wird sicher nicht sterben und Richard sowieso nicht.30. Dezember 2008 um 16:00 Uhr #356077ClaireB
MitgliedABC hat fuer Journalisten und Co. die ersten beiden Episoden ausgestrahlt und ein Insider hat nun Fragen beantwortet mit JA oder NEIN.
Teil 1
Will you upload a copy of both episodes right now.
NoDoes the Island move back in time?
YesWill there be ANY information regarding the smoke monster that will give us a little more to theorize about it’s origin, not just it coming out of the ground and chasing/killing people?
NoDoes someone else leave the island?
NoWill Annie Appear!?
NoDo any of the newly introduced charcters seem any good?
YesIs Ben’s intention to get back to the island?
YesAre we going to see new orientation film?
NoAre we seeing real/alive Ethon in 501/502?
YesDid you like it?
Yes!Is the island time traveling „unstable“ at first, causing it to show us different short periods of time of the island history?
YesHas the island moved foreword in time?
NoWas there any major WTF moments?
YesI have a theory: that the island moves in time. That is why we see Ethan and Radzinsky. Will we find out about that in the first couple episode?
Yeswhat are the first images we see for season 5?
Not a Yes/No QuestionDo we see the crying baby from the pierre chang video?
YesWhat is the character centricity of each episode? (if any… I understand that 5×01 is almost definitely Multi-centric)
Not a Yes/No QuestionAny surprise episode-ending, like we encountered in 4.07
YesWill Jeremy Bentham aka Locke be „resurrected“ when he is brought back to the island?
DONT KNOWAre we going to see the Dharma Initiative „RE-LIVE“ in the first 2 episodes?!
YESTeil 2
Do Kate and Aaron both go back to the island ?
NOIs 5×02 centric to any particular character?
YESIn promos we see Sawyer and Juliet running away from flaming arrows as the losties appear to be under attack. The attackers is Rousseau’s team?
NOWill Cindy be more important in the future?
DONT KNOWIs Locke/Bentham really dead?
Yesare they the black rock people?
DONT KNOWWill we as viewers be impressed or disapointted of the first two episodes of season 5?
Not a Yes/No QuestionWill we find out what happened to Claire?
NOIs the opening scene of episode 1 once again a „confusing shocker“?
YesDoes Sawyer believe Kate is dead?
YesAre these first two episodes better than last season’s first two episodes?
NoDoes someone like Alpert or Faraday explain what’s happening on the Island to the losties/Locke?
Yesis jin alive?
DONT KNOWIs John Lock alive?
YESIn 5×02, Does Ana Lucia reappear like a Ghost ?
YesTeil 3
Are we going to see younger versions of characters we know?
YESWill we see Pierre Chang in 501/502 ?
YESAre there any Jack and Kate scenes in the first two episodes?
YesIs there a WTF Opening like Season 2 or 3?
YesAre there new Dharma Stations 5.1 , 5.2
NoDo Faraday and Miles get any meaty/significant screen time?
YesDo we see inside the Swan Station?
NoWill the LeftBehinds who travelled back in time keep memory of their future life?
Yeswill rose and or bernard die?
NoDo the other people on the Zodiac raft come back to the island with Daniel?
YesWill we see Kate talk/think especially about Sawyer?
YesDo any main/recurring characters die in 5.1 or 5.2?
NoIs the flaming arrow attack on the 815 survivors in the promo by the Hostiles
NoDid the island move about to beginning of Dharma?
DONT KNOWIs Kate and Aaron seperated?
NOWill they show us how Alpert got to the island and why he is „age proof?“
No30. Dezember 2008 um 16:12 Uhr #356081Anonym
GastIch les es nicht, ich les es nicht! *standhaftbleib*
30. Dezember 2008 um 16:15 Uhr #356083ClaireB
MitgliedNaja, schlimm ist’s nicht. :p
30. Dezember 2008 um 17:30 Uhr #356102ClaireB
MitgliedTeil 4
Do we see a younger Ben in these episodes?
NoDoes Radzinsky appear in the first two episodes?
NoWill the „opening scene“ (the first in first episode) be on the Island? (I hope so
YesDoes the season begin with the hooded character that uses the old computer with the monochrome monitor?
NoAre we going to see the island as it was pre-Dharma?
NoDoes this mean we will see the Swan Hatch in different states, like a exploded Hatch and later a not-destroyed Swan Hatch in the first two episodes of Season 5 ?
YesCan Ben return to the island? (after he moved it) I’m asking, because Ben said: „Whoever moves the island can never come back.“
DONT KNOWIs Sun aggressive to Ben?
DONT KNOWDo Desmond, Penny, and baby appear in episode 1 and 2?
NoJuliet and Sawyer, are we going to see romantic scenes between them?
NoDo we get to see the 06 return to the island in the first two episodes?
NoTeil 5
Will we see how the Black Rock reached the island (and the middle of the jungle)?
NoWill Kate make her decision to go back to the island within the first two episodes or is she still resisting?
NOT A YES/NO QUESTIONIs Jack still a drug addict?
NOAre we going to see any scenes between Jack and Aaron?
NoIs faraday the man who tells piere chang (the dharama initaive guy) about the future aka tinternet, the purge and the president
DONT KNOWWhen the island is moved, do the on-island Losties now require Constants like Desmond required a Constant in Season 4?
DONT KNOWIf we all chip in will you upload them to a torrent site?
NoWill we have some Sawyer/Juliet scenes which will make us think of a future possible relationship ?
NoWill we have some Sawyer/Juliet scenes which will make us think of a future possible relationship ?
NoIs Desmond still experiencing flashes?
No30. Dezember 2008 um 21:07 Uhr #356139ClaireB
MitgliedTeil 6
Now he’s actually appearing, do we learn anything interesting about Neil Frogurt?
NoAre there any new starring cast members?
NoIs the character the in the opening scene part of the regular cast?
NoThe first character will see is Richard Alpert?
Noare the left behinders and the others what we had know as the hostils?
DONT KNOWWill see Frank Lapidus?
YesWill Neil die in the beach camp attack?
YESis any of the main left behinders going to die in this to first episodes?
NoAre we going to see Ana Lucia in the island?
NOWill Rose or Bernard die?
Nothe opening scene will be like in the second and third seasons?
YesIs there going to be a scene on Penny’s boat after the O6 are rescued and before they return to civilization?
YEsIs Pierre Chang baby any character we already know?
Dont KnowAfter these two episodes, does it seem likely that anyone besides the Oceanic 6 and Dead Locke will „have to go back“ to the island?
NoWill the 05×01-episode be a „Non-Lostie“-centric like Dharma, The Hostiles or Widmore?
NoWill Daniel Faraday manage to change something in the past in these 2 episodes, since the island is now in past-time, and thus changing the future?
YesTeil 7
Is the 5×01 or 5×02 is a faraday centric ? Bye
NoDoes Sun have to bring her own child back to the Island when she goes back?
Dont KnowWill we get to see some romantic scenes between Jack and Kate or anything concerning their relationship?
NoIn S501 or S502, will we get a reveal of the „favor“ Kate is doing for Sawyer??
NoIs there a gamechanger in the first two episodes?
NoAre we going to see Jack kate AND Aaron together in the first two episodes?
NoAre we going to see how the o6 lie has been set up on penny’s boat, particulary how it was decided that Aaron was going to be „Kate’s son“?
NoWill we be able to watch the screener copies before ABC released/aired?
NoWill we see Cassidy ?
NoIf Kate and Aaron are not separated, will he go back to the island in a different circumstance than hers ?
Dont KnowDoes Mira Furlan returns as Danielle Rousseau?
NoIs Rebecca Mader (Charlotte) listed as a series regular?
Dont KnowAre Desmond and Penny happy in the first two episodes?
YesBesides the one on Penny’s boat, will we see any other flashbacks with Jack & Kate?
No31. Dezember 2008 um 10:58 Uhr #356164ClaireB
MitgliedTeil 8
Will Ajira Airways be important for season 5?
Dont Knoware there visual special effects to show the „unstable“ time problems happening after the island moved?
Noare we going to see the Black Rock in the first scene?
NoAre the people who attack the beach camp with flaming arrows guys from Dharma or a other group we already know on the island ?
Not a Yes/No QuestionIs Claire mentioned at one point?
NoIs Walt included in the group of people who have to go back to the Island?
DONT KNOWdo ben and jack talk about juliet?
YesWill Juliet mention Jack?
Cant RememberDo we see the others „Tom“ in the first 2 episodes?
NoWill we finally learn why Horace (Goodspeed) was a Mathematician assigned to the Arrow station?
Nodoes the giant „hurley“ bird from the season 1 and season 2 finale’s reappear?
NoIs the hooded character seen in some promo videos a character we have seen before?
YesAre the new characters (played by Said Taghmaoui and Zuleikha Robinson) on the island?
Dont KnowTeil 9
Did we already see any part of the VERY FIRST image in the promos and trailers of the premiere?
Yesdo we see ‚the temple‘ or the ‚others‘?
YesWill we see the Four Toed Statue?!?
NoWill we see/hear anything about the four-toe statue??
NoNow that the Oceanic 6 have been rescued, is Jacob still present on the Island?
Dont Knowdoes the smoke monster hurt/kill anyone?
NoWill we see/har anything about Danielle`s real story?
NoWill the Island’s time flashes utilize archive footage to show us things we’ve seen before?
NoAre we going to see Jack and Kate getting together after Kate’s trial?
NoDo we get to see Jack and Kate getting back together (after Something Nice Back Home)?
NoDoes Christian Shepherd appear anywhere in the first two episodes?
NoDo the Left Behinders look to Sawyer as their new leader?
NoAre we going to see something new on the island in the first scene?
YesTeil 10
In the last promo we’ve seen Sayid beating someone, is it Ben?
NoWill we get confirmation that relative (s) of the Losties worked for the DI when they where younger?
Nodo we see what causes the smugglers plane to crash on the island?
NoDoes Kate in the 2007 storyline have any conversations with Sayid, Hurley or Ben in the first two episodes?
NoDoes Ethan Remember Who Locke Is?
NoIn the previews, Penny is shown holding a baby- is this Desmond and Penny’s baby?
Dont KnowIn the first two episodes, will we find out where and/or when the Island moved to?
Yes and NoDo jack and kate come close to romantically reconnecting in the first 2 episodes?
NoWill we see Saiyd and/or Hurley killing somebody?
YesIs there any mention of a volcano?
NoDoes Hurley kill someone?
NoIs there any mention of Jacob?
NoWill we see any dharma station in the first two episodes?
YesTeil 11
Since Ethan is alive again, will we be seeing Nikki & Paulo resurrected?
NoIs the scene Kate is thinking/talking about Sawyer romantic/has any romantic vibe?
NoDo we see or hear about The Temple in eps 1 or 2?
NoIs Daniel Dae Kim listed as a series regular?
Dont KnowBesides Ana Lucia & John Locke, will we see any other Losties who died in previous episodes?
NoAre Ben and Sayid fighting each other ( I mean are they enemies)?
NoWill Jack and Kate reconcile in the first two episodes?
NoWill Sawyer and Kate be reunited within the first 5 episodes ?
NoLocke changed his name after he had left the island. Will be explained why ?
NoIs there a planecrash in the opening scene? thx
NoIs Daniel Faraday much more prominent this season?
YesDid they change the opening titles sequence? I heard some pretty bad rumors…
Dont KnowDoes the opening scene contain Christian Shepard, DR. Marvin Candle/Wickman/Chang, and Frank Lapidus?
YesIn the scene where kate is thinking/talking about Sawyer, is she on Penny’s rescue boat when she does it?
YesTeil 12
Will most of the background survivors be killed in the flaming arrow attack?
DONT KNOWdoes episode 01 open with a pop song?
NoIs the compass seen in the promo the object that locke was supposed to select in his flashback with alpert in season 4 ep 11?
DONT KNOWWill we see who the attackers are on the left behinders?
YESWill Kate think/talk about Sawyer in the FB while she’s on the boat?
Honestly cant rememberWas it worth all this wait for this season?
YesDo we find out who killed future Locke and why?
Nodo we find out more about Rousseau?
NoDo we see who is being thrown off the balcony in this episode?
Yesis ms hawkings the hooded character writing on the chalk board?
YesIs Ms. Hawking the hooded character seen in some promo videos?
YesThe first character will see is Dr. Marvin Candle?
YesIs the name of Desmond and Penny’s baby Charlie?
DONT KNOW5. Januar 2009 um 16:58 Uhr #356809ClaireB
MitgliedHier uebrigens mal interessante Aussagen…
In epi 1 we get to see an xray image of the frozen donkey wheel that was discovered when dharma workmen were drilling in caves near its power source the workman who drilled too near to the power source started to have a bloody nose and his drill was totally melted.
We also get to see daniel faraday as one of the workmen on the site who bumps into doc marvin candle as candle is explaining that they need the power source to manipulate time.
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