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1. Mai 2012 um 9:35 Uhr #442010
Sam Crow
MitgliedNachfolgend eventuell 3 harte Spoiler, wohl gemerkt aber nur Gerüchte:
…according to Trek Movie the villain will, in fact, be Khan Noonien Singh. This isn’t the first time that this rumor has been spread around, as late last year there was word that Abrams was looking at Benicio del Toro to play the character. Those talks died down when Cumberbatch was cast, however, the new report not only confirms that Khan will be the central antagonist, but says that the movie will not be copying „Space Seed,“ the episode from the original series that introduced Khan into the Star Trek universe.
But that’s not the only big Star Trek news that Trek Movie has gotten their hands on. The fansite reports that Leonard Nimoy will be back to play Spock Prime in the sequel. Fans will remember that the Abrams‘ Star Trek film rebooted the franchise by starting in a different timeline that Spock Prime had also been thrown into. As for his return, the source has a Tweet from Nimoy reading, „I enjoy conversations with JJ Abrams and Zachary Quinto. Keeping up on their work. They are my friends, LLAP.“
Lastly, unnamed sources close to the production have confirmed that Klingons will be playing a role in the film as well. The creatures were originally featured in Abrams‘ first Star Trek movie, but were eventually cut (you can find them in the deleted scenes on the Blu-ray). In the sequel they will have a larger role that will not be possible to cut out.
cinemablend.com1. Mai 2012 um 9:41 Uhr #442011Noone
MitgliedZu Punkt 1: Och, nee, ey #sad#
2. Mai 2012 um 19:32 Uhr #442210Stampede
MitgliedIch weiß grad nicht, ob ich lachen oder weinen soll………
2. Mai 2012 um 19:38 Uhr #442211Sam Crow
MitgliedAlso wenn das kein Fake ist, fresse ich meine Tastatur. :p:D
2. Mai 2012 um 19:39 Uhr #442212Noone
MitgliedHihi, witzige Fotomontage
Ändert aber nichts an der Tatsache, dass ich diesen Punkt total ätzend finde #sad#
Vorfreude auf ST12 ist gesunken.2. Mai 2012 um 19:40 Uhr #442213Stampede
Mitglied@Sam Crow 515469 wrote:
Also wenn das kein Fake ist, fresse ich meine Tastatur. :p:D
Klar ist das ein Fake… und ich finde es auch total lustig weil total bescheuert
Aber mal ehrlich:
Cumberbatch als Khan, WTF?! #hm# Der passt doch gar nicht #hm#2. Mai 2012 um 19:53 Uhr #442215Sam Crow
MitgliedDa man die Sache, falls man sie angeht, gänzlich anders angehen wird als bekannt, wäre das durchaus machbar. Allerdings fiel noch nirgendwo ein Wort darüber, daß er ihn spielen würde, wenn er denn gespielt werden wird.
29. Mai 2012 um 19:47 Uhr #44476629. Mai 2012 um 19:53 Uhr #444771Noone
Mitglied@ClaireB 522320 wrote:
Here We Go Again: Simon Pegg Says ‘Star Trek 2′ Villain Is Not Khan | /Film
Sein Wort in Gottes Ohr [-o<
4. Juni 2012 um 23:14 Uhr #445345Sam Crow
MitgliedA First Look at Star Trek 2’s Klingons – ComingSoon.net
Goil! #devil2#
13. Juni 2012 um 19:19 Uhr #445889Sam Crow
MitgliedJ.J. Abrams‘ Star Trek Sequel Filming Scenes With IMAX Cameras – CinemaBlend.com
Als ob Abrams sowas nötig hätte. Das ist eher was für Stümper wie Nolan, die dadurch ihre generelle Unfähigkeit kaschieren müssen.
17. Juni 2012 um 11:24 Uhr #446173Sam Crow
MitgliedAlex Kurtzman über Cumberbatch:
„He’s a genius,“ Kurtzman said. „There are certain actors who have the ability to take a line of dialogue and add a ring to it that you didn’t even know you put into the dialogue, into the line. And he’s one of those really brilliant actors. Just listening to him talk…you could enjoy him reading the phone book.“
Going into how the villain will play into the larger story, the writer/producer then explained the importance of antagonist escalation, saying, „Sequels are about your bad guy. Because your first movie is always about the becoming of [the hero] and your bad guy has to test that hero in a very significant way. And he’s an incredibly formidable presence. He’s amazing. Are you going to be scared of him? Shit yeah!“
25. Juni 2012 um 22:25 Uhr #446721Sam Crow
MitgliedAlex Kurtzman via Collider über das Sequel. Eigentlich keine News, aber mindestens ein sehr interessanter Produktionshintergrund:
What was it like, the first day back on the Enterprise? Was it an emotional experience?
KURTZMAN: Oh, yeah, for sure! Me and Bob [Orci] and Damon [Lindelof] and J.J. [Abrams] and Bryan Burk all feel very protective of Star Trek. The studio had wanted it a year earlier and we said, “No, we can’t. We’re not going to be ready and we don’t want to rush this.” We felt very fortunate that the first movie was well received, and the last thing that we wanted to do was destroy that by rushing something. It’s very precious to a lot of people. We love our Trek and we just wanted to keep it safe.
At the Prometheus junket, Damon Lindelof told Steve (at Collider) that you guys built the ship so that all the hallways connect and you can leave the bridge and really walk around the Enterprise. How cool was it for you to really walk around the ship?
KURTZMAN: It was insane!
Did you make sure to film some extra long takes of the cast, walking and talking?
KURTZMAN: That was the point. J.J. was brilliant, in building the sets that way, because what he wanted to do was be able to play whole scenes without a cut, as you were literally moving through this huge, huge ship. Just to walk on the set was incredible. Scott Chambliss, who’s our production designer, built this glorious set.
Do you have any idea when J.J. will release the first official images or the first teaser trailer?
KURTZMAN: Not sure yet. That’s still in discussion.
Finde ich ja mal sowas von geil! #mh#
26. Juni 2012 um 0:49 Uhr #4467465. Juli 2012 um 14:42 Uhr #447445 -
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