Der Creative Team Sub beschäftigt sich mit den Menschen hinter den Kulissen einer Serie. Von den Produzenten über die Autoren und Ideengeber bishin zu den Regisseuren kann über das komplette Team einer Serie diskutiert und Infos ausgetauscht werden.
also dann tausche ich mal Infos aus:
Artikel über David Shore
Q+A mit Autorin Doris Egan
Sara Hess once suggested to me that somewhere about year seven, when the audience is tired of the show, we do a deliberate jump-the-shark season. House’s evil twin shows up. Wilson’s evil twin shows up. We learn that whenever Cameron was talking about her dead husband, it was actually a different husband; she’s a black widow who’s married a dozen men for their money and then murdered them. We find this out the morning after her wedding to Wilson. I told Sara, „The thing is, I’d watch that season.“ „I’d watch it too,“ she said; „It’d be awesome!“ House adopts a ward, who turns out to be Cuddy’s child from that bout of amnesia in her twenties. Halfway through the season, without explanation, we develop a crossover in which the crew of the Enterprise finds themselves stranded in Princeton in 2010.

Interview mit Katie Jacobs über ihre Aufgaben